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All References with Titles containing 'kast' OR with Authors including 'kast' OR with Abstract including 'kast' OR with Keywords including 'kast'

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Kast EC The measurement of pain: a new approach to an old problem J New Drugs 1962
Vogel G, Marek ML, Stoeck... Weitere Untersuchungen zum Wirkungsmechanismus des Rosskastanien-Sapon... Arzneimittel-Forsch. 1963
Kast EC, Collins VJ Lysergic acid diethylamide as an analgesic agent Anesth. Analg. Curr.... 1964
Kast E LSD and the dying patient Chic Med Sch Q 1966
Kast E Attenuation of anticipation: a therapeutic use of lysergic acid diethy... Psychiat. Quart. 1967
Pahnke WN, Kurland AA, Go... LSD-assisted psychotherapy with terminal cancer patients Psychedelic Drugs 1969
Pahnke WN, Kurland AA, Go... LSD-assisted psychotherapy with terminal cancer patients Curr Psychiatr Ther 1969
Kastritsis CD, Jacob-Stoc... Testing of LSD-25 and related compounds for possible effects on egg-la... Experientia 1971
Scholz H Ueber die Wirkung von 'Rauschmittein' unter pharmakologischen Gesichts... Tägl. Prax. 1973
Dykastra LA, Appel JB Effects of LSD on auditory perception: a signal detection analysis Psychopharmacologia 1974