Author |
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Fischer R, Georgi F, Webe... |
Psychophysische Korrelationen. VIII. Modellversuche zum Schizophrenieo... |
Schweiz. med. Wschr. |
1951 |
Hofmann A |
Psychotomimetic drugs: Chemical and Pharmacological Aspects |
Acta Physiol. Pharma... |
1959 |
Leary T, Litwin GH, Metzn... |
Reactions to psilocybin administered in a supportive environment |
J. Nerv. Ment. Disea... |
1963 |
Der Marderosian AH |
Nomenclatural History of the Morning Glory, Ipomoea violacea (L.) |
Taxon |
1965 |
Robbins E, Robbins L, Fro... |
Implications of untoward reactions to hallucinogens |
Bull.N.Y. Acad. Med. |
1967 |
Clayton R |
Problems in an unconscious patient who had taken lysergic acid diethyl... |
British Medical Jour... |
1968 |
Lochaya E |
The Strange Trip of Dr. Hofmann |
Health News |
1970 |
Hofmann A |
Die Entdeckung des LSD und nachfolgende Untersuchungen über verwandie ... |
Dtsch. Apoth. Ztg. |
1975 |
Siva Sankar DV |
LSD-a Total Study |
1975 |
Faust V, Leutner V |
Drogen-ABC. Rauschgift - Alkohol - Nikotin - Medikamente |
Notabene Medici |
1977 |
Rhead JC, Soskin RA, Ture... |
Psychedelic Drug (DPT)-Assisted Psychotherapy with Alcoholics: A Contr... |
J of Psychedelic Dru... |
1977 |
Fanchamps A |
Some Compounds With Hallucinogenic Activity |
Handbook of Experime... |
1978 |
125-i-LSD: A High Sensitivity Ligand For Serotonin Receptors |
European Journal of ... |
1983 |
Hofmann A, Goodwin DW |
LSD: My Problem Child-- Reflections on Sacred Drugs, Mysticism, and S... |
1983 |
Stafford P |
Re-creational Uses of LSD |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
1985 |
Nevilla GA, Beckstead HD,... |
USP Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Tartrate (LOT 1) Authentic Substance Re... |
Canadian Journal of ... |
1992 |
Winter JC |
The Stimulus Effects of Serotonergic Hallucinogens in Animals |
NIDA Research Monogr... |
1994 |
Mangini M |
Treatment of alcoholism using psychedelic drugs: a review of the progr... |
J Psychoactive Drugs |
1998 |
Snyder SH |
Commentary on: Psilocybin can occasion mystical-type experiences havin... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2006 |
Verres R |
LSD, Meditation and Music |
Music Therapy Today |
2006 |