Author |
Title |
JournalName |
Year D |
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Fischer R, Georgi F, Webe... |
Psychophysische Korrelationen. VIII. Modellversuche zum Schizophrenieo... |
Schweiz. med. Wschr. |
1951 |
Rinkel M, DeShon HJ, Hyde... |
Experimental schizophrenia-like symptoms. |
Amer. J. Psychiatry |
1952 |
Frederking W |
Ueber die Verwendung von Rauschdrogen (meskalin und Lysergsaurediathyl... |
Psyche |
1953 |
Buscaino GA, Frongia N |
Modificazioni biochimiche, elettroencefalografiche, istochimiche ed is... |
Acta neurol. |
1953 |
Solms H |
Psychoses provoquées artificiellement (leur importance dans les reserc... |
Méd. & Hyg. |
1954 |
Hoff H, Arnold OH |
Die Therapie der Schizophrenie |
Wien. klin. Wehnschr... |
1954 |
Sloane B, Doust JWL |
Psychophysiological investigations in experimental psychoses: results ... |
J. Ment. Sci. |
1954 |
Rinkel M, Hyde RW, Solomo... |
Experimental psychiatry. III. A chemical concept of psychosis. |
Dis. Nerv. Syst. |
1954 |
Landis C, Clausen J |
Certain effects of mescaline and lysergic acid on psychological functi... |
J. Psychol. |
1954 |
Tonini G, Montanari C |
Effects of Experimentally Induced Psychoses on Artistic Expression |
Confinia neurol. |
1955 |
Cholden LS, Kurland A, Sa... |
Clinical reactions and tolerance to LSD in chronic schizophrenia. |
J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. |
1955 |
Lingjaerde P, Skaug OE |
A study of the uptake of radioactive phosphorus in the brain, endocrin... |
J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. |
1956 |
Hoagland H |
Some biochemical factors common to schizophrenia and to LSD produced p... |
XXth International P... |
1956 |
Burroughs W |
Letter From A Master Addict To Dangerous Drugs |
British Journal of A... |
1956 |
Fischer R |
Factors involved in drug-produced model psychoses. |
J. Ment Sc. |
1957 |
Hoch PH |
The problem of schizophrenia in the light of experimental psychiatry. |
Experimental psychop... |
1957 |
Liebert RS, Wapner S, Wer... |
Studies in the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). Visual ... |
Arch. Neurol. Psychi... |
1957 |
Delay J, Pichot P, Lempér... |
Effets psycho-physiologiques de la Psilocybine |
Comptes rendus des s... |
1958 |
Abramson HA, Hewitt MP, L... |
The stablemate concept of therapy as affected by LSD in schizophrenia |
J. Psychol. |
1958 |
Jost F, Vicari R |
Zu den Provokationsverfahren in der Medizin. (LSD als Provokationsmit... |
Medizinische |
1958 |
Greiner T, Burch NR, Edel... |
Psychopathology and psychophysiology of minimal LSD-25 dosage. A prel... |
Arch. Neurol. & Psyc... |
1958 |
Lewis DJ, Sloane RB |
Therapy with lysergic acid diethylamide |
J. Clin. & Exper. Ps... |
1958 |
Cargnello D, Lukonovich N |
Lo psicoma da LSD. Gli aspetti psicopatologici della intossicazione s... |
Arch. psicol. neurol... |
1958 |
Jatzkewitz H |
Psychotropie Substanzen und "endogene" Psychose. (Pathophysiologische... |
Confinia neurol. |
1958 |
Lesse S |
Psychodynamic relationships between the degree of anxiety and other cl... |
J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis... |
1958 |
Roubícek J |
Similarities and differences between schizophrenia and experimental ps... |
Rev. Czechoslov. Med... |
1958 |
Bockoven JS |
Explorations in psychotherapy |
Arch. Neurol. Psychi... |
1958 |
Vinar O |
Analogien zwischen schizophrenen Erkrankungen und der LSD-Psychose. |
Psychiatrie |
1958 |
Brengelmann JC, Laverty S... |
Differential effects of lysergic acid and sodium amytal on immediate m... |
J. Ment. Sc. |
1958 |
Naranjo P |
Drogas psicotomiméticas. Estudio comparativo de la harmina, la dietil... |
Arch. criminol. neur... |
1958 |
Eisner BG, Cohen S |
Psychotherapy with lysergic acid diethylamide |
J Nerv Ment Dis |
1958 |
Delay J, Benda P |
L'expérience lysergique. LSD-25. A propos de 75 observations cliniqu... |
Encéphale, Paris |
1958 |
Bulle PH |
Neurohumors in psychoses |
Chemical concepts of... |
1958 |
Cohen S, Eisner BG |
Use of Lysergic acid diethylamide in a psychotherapeutic setting |
Arch.Neurol.Psychiat... |
1959 |
Jatzkewitz H |
Diskussion: Pathophysiologische Aspekte bei Psychosen |
IInd International C... |
1959 |
Roubícek J |
Similarities and dissimilarities between schizophrenia and experimenta... |
IInd International C... |
1959 |
Leuner M |
Experimenteller Beitrag zum Widerspruch der Auffassungen von der Schiz... |
IInd International C... |
1959 |
Photiades H, Anastasopoul... |
Veranderung schizophrener Zustandsbilder durch LSD-25 |
IInd International C... |
1959 |
Fisher S, Cleveland SE |
Right-left body reactivity patterns in disorganized states |
J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. |
1959 |
Rojo M |
Therapéutica lisérgica en ciertos síndromes obsesivos y neurosis sexua... |
Act.luso-esp.Neurol. |
1959 |
Rosenbaum G, Cohen BD, Lu... |
Comparison of Sernyl with other drugs. Simulation of schizophrenic pe... |
A.M.A. Arch. Gen. Ps... |
1959 |
Sandison RA |
Discussion Fourth Symposium: Comparison of drug-induced and endogenou... |
Neuro-Psychopharmaco... |
1959 |
Lennard HL, Abramson HA, ... |
Drugs and social interaction |
Neuro-Psychopharmaco... |
1959 |
J Delay, P Pichot, T Lemp... |
La Psilocybin. Actions psychologique et therapeutique. |
Presse med. |
1959 |
Abramson HA, Hewittt MP, ... |
The stablemate concept of therapy as affected by LSD in schizophrenia |
Second International... |
1959 |
Hoffer A, Callbeck MJ |
Drug-induced schizophrenia |
J.ment.Sci. |
1960 |
Masuda M, Dorpat TL |
Urinary aromatic metabolites in normal subjects after LSD |
J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. |
1960 |
Wijsenbeek H, Landau R |
A review on the use of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) in psychiat... |
Harefuah |
1960 |
Jovanovic D, Kandic B, Kr... |
Neka nasa iskustva u lecenju dusevnih bolesnika dietilamidom lizergicn... |
Vojno-sanit.Pregl. |
1960 |
Biered J, Browne IW |
An experiment with a psychiatric night hospital |
Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. |
1960 |
Manzini B, Saraval A |
L'intossicazione sperimentale da LSD ed i suoi rapporti con la schizof... |
Riv.sper.Freniat. |
1960 |
Silva F, Heath RG, Raffer... |
Comparative effects of the administration of Taraxein, d-LSD, Mescalin... |
Comprehensive Psychi... |
1960 |
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldf... |
LSD as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy with Alcoholics |
J.Psychol. |
1960 |
Abramson HA, Rolo A, Skla... |
Production of Cross-Tolerance to Psychosis-Producing Doses of Lysergic... |
J.Psychol. |
1960 |
Editorial |
Hallucinogenic drugs. The future |
Lancet |
1961 |
Bradley CA, Miya TS, Yim ... |
The Effect of Certain Psychopharmacologic Agents on Liver and Brain Su... |
J.Neuropsychiat. |
1961 |
Feinberg I |
A comparison of the visual hallucinations in schizophrenia with those ... |
Hallucinations |
1962 |
Fisher G, Castile D |
An Investigation to Determine Therapeutic Effectiveness of LSD-25 and ... |
1963 |
Netz B, Jonsson CO, Bergq... |
Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on normal subjects in a... |
Scand. J. Psychol. |
1963 |
Wilson RE, Shagass C |
Comparison of Two Drugs with Psychotomimetic Effects (LSD and Ditran) |
J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. |
1964 |
Wilson RE, Shagass C |
Comparison of two drugs with psychotomimetic effects (LSD and Ditran) |
J. Nerv. Ment. Dis |
1964 |
Sedman G, Kenna JC |
The use of LSD-25 as a diagnostic aid in doubtful cases of schizophren... |
Brit. J. Psychiat. |
1965 |
Vinar O, Bastecky J, Boro... |
Delayed auditory feedback in schizophrenia and LSD-induced state |
Act Nerv Super (Prah... |
1965 |
Bender L, Cobrinik L, Far... |
The treatment of childhood schizophrenia with LSD and UML |
Biological Treatment... |
1966 |
Dangers of LSD |
Lancet |
1967 |
Metzner R |
A note on the treatment of LSD psychosis |
Behav Neuropsychiatr... |
1969 |
Angrist BM, Schweitzer JW... |
Investigation of p-Methoxyamphetamine Excretion in Amphetamine Induced... |
Nature |
1970 |
Wanted: a fast trip back from LSD. Hallucinogen research may also aid... |
Med Wld News |
1971 |
Meares R, Horvath T |
A Physiological Difference Between Hallucinosis and Schizophrenia |
Brit Psychiat |
1973 |
McCabe OL |
Psychedelic (LSD) psychotherapy: a case report |
Psychotherapy Theory... |
1974 |
Bron B, Fröscher W, Gehle... |
Differentialdiagnostische und syndromgenetische Probleme und Aspekte d... |
Fortschr. Neurol. Ps... |
1976 |
Healy JM |
Psychomimetic substances during pregnancy and sex of offspring mice. |
Psychopharmacology A... |
1976 |
Jantz L |
Probleme und Möglochkeiten ambulanter und stationäer Behandlune von Su... |
Therapiewoche |
1976 |
Huber Weidmann H, Dittric... |
Schlafentzug. Psychopathologische Wirkungen beim Menschen |
Deut.Med.Wochenschr. |
1977 |
Mehl E, Rüther E, Redeman... |
Endogenous Ligands of a Putative LSD-Serotonin Receptor in the Cerebro... |
Psychopharmacology |
1977 |
Kleinman JE, Gillin JC, W... |
A comparison of the phenomenology of hallucinogens and schizophrenia f... |
Schizophr Bull |
1977 |
Maj J, Baran L, Michaluk ... |
The Central Antiserotonin Activity of Neuroleptics |
Pol.J.Pharmacol.Phar... |
1978 |
Degrell I |
Specificity and interaction of the neurotransmitter on the basis of cl... |
Acta Pharm.Hung. |
1978 |
Claridge G |
Animal models of schizophrenia: the case for LSD-25 |
Schizophrenia Bull. |
1978 |
Marsh A |
Visual Hallucinations During Hallucinogenic Experience and Schizophren... |
Schizophr. Bull. |
1979 |
Editorial |
How is the differential diagnosis made between (a) acute alcohol poiso... |
Brit. med. J. |
1980 |
Crow TJ, Bourne R, Cross ... |
Neurotransmitter Enzymes And Receptors In Postmortem Brain In Schizoph... |
Progress in Neuro-Ps... |
1980 |
McLellan, AT, Woody GE, O... |
Psychiatric Illness in Drug Abusers |
New Engl. J. Med. |
1980 |
Whitaker PM, Crow TJ, Fer... |
Tritiated LSD Binding in Frontal Cortex in Schizophrenia |
Arch Gen Psychiatry |
1981 |
Weaver KEC |
Letters to the Editor: LSD and Schizophrenia |
Arch. Gen. Psychiatr... |
1984 |
Farber NB, Hanslick J, Ki... |
Serotonergic agents that activate 5HT2A receptors prevent NMDA antagon... |
Neuropsychopharmacol... |
1998 |
West WB, Lou A, Pechersky... |
Antagonism of a PCP drug discrimination by hallucinogens and related d... |
Neuropsychopharmacol... |
2000 |
Nichols CD, Sanders-Bush ... |
A single dose of lysergic acid diethylamide influences gene expression... |
Neuropsychopharmacol... |
2002 |
Szabo A |
Psychedelics and Immunomodulation: Novel Approaches and Therapeutic Op... |
Front Immunol |
2015 |
Liechti ME |
Modern Clinical Research on LSD |
Neuropsychopharmacol... |
2017 |
Bonson KR |
Regulation of human research with LSD in the United States (1949-1987) |
Psychopharmacology (... |
2018 |
Liechti ME |
Modern Clinical Research on LSD |
Neuropsychopharmacol... |
2018 |