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H Heimann. 
“Zur Behandlung therapieresistenter Neurosen mit Modellpsychosen (Psilocybin). ”. 
Schweiz. Arch. Neurol. u. Psychiat.. 1962.
Very detailed case history of a 26-year-old intelligent female patient with a severe neurotic development and simultaneous involvement of constitutional factors. The patient developed hysteric gait disturbances which led to a complete inability to walk that persisted for 4 years. No symptoms of organic disease. Initially the patient did not respond to psychotherapy. Ten narco-analytic sessions also did not intensify psychotherapeutic contact. . The patient therefore was given Psilocybin (6 mg. as initial dose, then 9 mg.) once a week. Several psychotherapeutic sessions without Psilocybin were held between the Psilocybin sessions. (Detailed description of the Psilocybin sessions.) An approach to the patient's personality was gradually obtained; a communicative discussion with the therapist started. After 12 sessions with Psilocybin the therapy could be continued analytically and after 1 year the patient had completely regained the ability to walk. . The author believes that the decisive factor in the resolution of neurotic behavior is not the reliving or repressed experiences provoked by drugs but a maturing of the personality which results from the communicative discussion with the therapist. "Model psychosis however allows the production and maintenance of a condition which enables a psychotherapeutic dialogue, when the approach to the other side of a person is blocked." Indications should be restricted to those cases of neurosis that are resistant to therapy.
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