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Girault JM, Macob J. 
“Differenciation pharmacologique des hyperthermies induites par la serotonine, le LSD, le cerm 1841 [2-(3-trifluoromethyl)-phenyl-tetrahydro-1,4-oxazine], la quipazine et la N,N-dimethyltrypamine chez le lapin”. 
J. Pharmacol.. 1977;8(4):522-23.
The effects of serotonin, LSD, CERM 1841, quipazine and N,N-dimethyltryptamine on rabbit body temperature are briefly reviewed. Intraventricular serotonin induced hyperthermia is inhibited by cyproheptadine. Phenoxybenzamine, pipamperone, pimozide and haloperidol inhibit i.v. LSD and CERM 1841, but not serotonininduced hyperthermia. Phenoxybenzamine and pipamperone al50 inhibit quipazine and dimethyltryptamine induc ed hype rthermia. The effects of LSD, CERM 1841, quipazone and dimethyltryptamine are inhibited by cyproheptidine. It is suggested that variation in responses may be due to indirect effects on different receptors.
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