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Harvey JA, Gormezano I, Gimpl MP. 
“Effect Of D-lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) And 2-bromo-lsd (bol) On Classical (pavlovian) Conditioning Of The Rabbit Nictitating Membrane-response.”. 
Fed Proc. 1977;36(3):1047.
Acquisition of the classically conditioned, nictitating membrane response was used to assess effects of LSD and BOL on associative processes. Tone and light CS's (conditioned sti muli) were presented 800 msec prior to delivery of paraorbital shock UCS (unconditioned stimulus). Extension of the membrane to the CS's in the 800 msec prior to UCS onset was recorded as a CR (conditioned response) while extension to UCS onset was recorded as a UCR (unconditioned response). LSD or BOL (0,1, 10,30,100 or 300 nmol/kg) were injected i.v., 30 min prior to each daily conditioning session. Dosages of 1 to 100 nmol/kg LSD produced a dose dependent enhancement of CR acquisition. Acquisition to a criterion of 10 successive CR's required 110 fewer trials at 30 nmol/kg LSD as compared with controls. 300 nmollkg LSD produced retarded acquisition. BOL had no effect on CR acquisition. Separate groups of rabbits received ex - plicitly unpaired presentations of stimuli (tone alone, light alone or shock alone). Responding within Don msec of Cs onset or in the 800 msec prior to UCS onset was scored as a "CR". In this situation frequency of such responding was low (2-37) and was not affected by any dosage of LSD. Thus, LSD effects en acquisition were not due to sensitization, pseudocondi tioning or changes in base-rate responding. Hence, LSD ap - pears to uniquely affect associative processes (learning). (Supported by NIGH grant MR-16841 and NSF grant (GB-41531).
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