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Erowid Search Results for: Analytical profile of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 1 to 30 of 44

GHB Vault : Journal Article #24
'Toxic Ingestion of Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid' by A.J. Viera; S.W. Yates
GHB Vault : Journal Article #13
'EEG changes during sedation with gamma-hydroxybutyric acid' by E. Entholzner; L. Mielke; R. Pichlmeier; F. Weber; H. Schneck
GHB Vault : Patent #3
U.S. Patent - Derivatives of 4-hydroxybutyric acid
GHB Vault : Journal Article #3
'Non-response of a case of fatal familial insomnia to gamma hydroxy butyrate' by Jae Fleming; H. Feldman; G.J. Green; B.C. McGillivray; A. Kang; K. Berry
GHB Vault : Patent #1
GHB Patent for use in treatment of alcohol addiction
GHB Vault : Patent #2
GHB Patent for use in treatment of sleeping disorders (narcolepsy)
GHB Vault : Material Safety Data Sheet(s) (Sodium Oxybate, GHB, Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate, 4-hydroxy-butyric Acid
Safety and Hazard information about GHB
GHB Vaults : Pharmacology : The Neuropharmacology of GHB, by BilZ0r (v2 Jan 2004)
An overview of the pharmacology of GHB.
GHB Vault : Journal Article #2
'Triggering of paradoxical sleep with gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in the rat is blocked by the GHB receptor antagonist NCS-382' by V. Girodias; R. Godbout; I. Beaulieu; M. Schmitt; J.J. Bourguignon; H.H. Webster
GHB Vault: Basics
A summary of basic information about GHB and its use.
GHB Vault : Synthesis
A description of the basic GHB synthesis procedure.
GHB Vault : Effects
Information about the mental and physical effects of GHB.
GHB Vault : Chemistry
Information and images about the chemistry of GHB.
GHB Vault : FAQ
The Frequently Asked Questions file about GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate).
GHB Vault : Addiction
Some comments and notes on the addictive potential of GHB and related compounds.
GHB Vault : Info by the Dept of Health and Human Services
US Department of Health and Human Services on GHB.
GHB Vault : Legal Status - Sweden
A description of the legal status of GHB in Sweden.
GHB Vault : Legal cases involving GHB
FDA reports of charges brought against 2 individuals for mislabelling of GHB
GHB Vault : Images
Photographs and drawings of GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate)
GHB Vault : Legal Status
Information on the federal and state-by-state legal status of GHB.
GHB Vault : Timeline
A timeline of events in the history of GHB
GHB Vault
Information about GHB including basics, effects, dosage, history, legal status, photos, research, media coverage, and links to other resources.
GHB Vault : Media #3
Arlington Teen Warns Others about Potent Party Drug, Associated Press
GHB Vault : Media #2
Liquis X: What is GHB?, Urb Magazine Article
GHB Vault : Journal Articles & Abstracts
Journal articles and abstracts on various topics related to gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB).
GHB Vault : Media #5
City Urged to Outlaw GHB - LA Times 11/20/96
GHB Vault : Media #4
3 Clubgoers Overdose on Illegal Drug GHB, St Petersburg Times (1996)
GHB Vault : News & Media Articles
News & Media articles on various topics related to GHB.
GHB Vault : Dosage
Information on GHB dosage.
GHB Vault : Synthesis FAQ v1.5
The Frequently Asked Questions file (v1.5) about Gamma Hydroxybutryate Synthesis.

Displaying Results 1 to 30 of 44