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Erowid Search Results for: Analytical profile of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 1 to 12 of 12

Psychoactive Vaults
Psychoactive Vaults
Psychoactive Vaults: An Evaluation of DARE
Reducing The Risk of Drug Involvement Among Early Adolescents: An Evaluation of Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)
Psychoactive Vaults : Prohibition : The Politics of NIDA and the Growing Backlash
An article about the problematic influence of politics on the scientific study of psychoactives by NIDA
Prohibtion & Terrorism Vaults : ONDCP's Announcement of their 2002 Drugs & Terrorism Campaign
A copy of the ONDCP's announcement of their 10 million USD advertising campaign linking 'drugs' and terrorism.
Psychoactive Vaults : Prohibition
Information about a variety of prohibition movements and organizations.
Psychoactive Vaults : Prohibition & Terrorism & Drugs
Information about the link between the prohibition of psychoactive drugs and terrorism and the media campaign by the US accusing casual recreational drug users of helping terrorists.
Prohibition Vaults : DARE : Journal Article #1
'How Effective is Drug Abuse Resistance Education? A Meta-Analysis of Project DARE Outcome Evaluations' - American Journal of Public Health 1994.
Psychoactive Prohibition Vaults : Images
An organized collection of images, drawings and photographs related to prohibition and the Drug War.
Psychoactive Prohibition Vaults : Images
An organized collection of parody images, drawings and photographs related to DARE.
Psychoactive Vaults : Prohibition & Terrorism : Does Smoking Cannabis Really Support Terrorism?
Prohibtion & Terrorism Vaults : DRCNet #223 - David Border Editorial and Noam Chomsky Interviewn
A cached copy of the Drug Reform Coordination Network's weekly newsemail sections on the ONDCP's Drugs & Terrorism campaign including an interview with Noam Chomsky and an editorial by DRCNet's David Borden.

Displaying Results 1 to 12 of 12