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Erowid Search Results for: Analytical profile of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 3691 to 3720 of 12661

Synthesis of 4-allyl-pyrocatechol (3,4-dihydroxyallylbenzene) - []
Synthesis of Optically Active 4-Methoxyamphetamine from Tyrosine - []
Preparation of Manganese(III)acetate from Potassium Permanganate - []
Synthesis of 4,5-Dimethoxy-2,3-Methylenedioxyallylbenzene (pseudo-Dillapiole)
The Peracid Oxidation of Isosafrole: A Review - []
Shulgin: Preparation of 5-Hydroxypiperonal and Related Compounds - []
Reduction of 2,4,5-Trimethoxyphenyl-2-nitropropene to TMA-2
New Syntheses of Dillapiole and its 4-Methylthio Analog - []
The Vaults of Erowid : Meme Cultivation: Memetic, Scatter, & Grow
Meme Cultivation: Memetic, Scatter, & Grow, by Fire & Earth Erowid.
The Vaults of Erowid : Erowid 3.0 (Nov 2003)
Erowid 3.0: The Ongoing Process of Site Redesign, by Fire & Earth Erowid.
Preparation and Use of (+)-p-2,8-menthadien-1-ol
The Vaults of Erowid : CAT May 2000 Conference
The Vaults of Erowid : CAT May 2000
The Vaults of Erowid : CAT May 2000
The Vaults of Erowid : CAT May 2000
The Vaults of Erowid : CAT May 2000
The Vaults of Erowid : CAT May 2000
The Vaults of Erowid : CAT May 2000
He Didn’t Die Of A Drug Overdose « eScottology
Ask Erowid : ID 2741 : Wnat are the risks of Xenadrine?
Ask Erowid Question and Answer: Wnat are the risks of Xenadrine?
Psychoactive Vaults : Photo Geekery: The Art of Photographing Psychoactives
'Photo Geekery: The Art of Photographing Psychoactives', by Fire Erowid.
About Erowid : Re-Visioning : The Process of Re-Visioning
Information about Erowid's re-visioning process where Erowid rethinks its mission on its 10th anniversary
Kamlet's Synthesis of Phenyl-2-Nitroalcohols - US Pat. 2,151,517 - []
Shulgin: GLC Identification of Essential oil Phenylpropanoids - []
US Pat 4,731,482 Process for the Preparation of Phenylpropanones
Synthesis of Arylacetones From Aryl Halides and Acetylacetonate - []
Preparation of Ketones from Grignard Reagents and Acetic Anhydride
MadMax: Illustrated Synthesis of IAP[]
The Complete Book of Ecstacy: Reference Section - []
Synthesis Of Nitroalkanes From Bromoalkanes By Phase-Thansfer Catalysis - []

Displaying Results 3691 to 3720 of 12661