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Erowid Search Results for: How much does vicodin 5-300 cost on the street (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 1141 to 1170 of 10771

Experience Vaults: 5-MeO-DiPT & Nitrous Oxide - The Foxiferous - 24424
An experience with 5-MeO-DiPT & Nitrous Oxide. 'The Foxiferous' by The Cuddly Commando
Experience Vaults: 5-MeO-AMT & DPT - The Labyrinth, the Petal and the Statue - 38740
An experience with 5-MeO-AMT & DPT. 'The Labyrinth, the Petal and the Statue' by Linkeree
Psychoactive Vaults : UK / British Drug Law : Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 : Dangerous Drugs
A complete copy of the main British Misuse of Drugs Regulations as of December, 2001
: Copyrights
Copyright information for articles archived or published on Erowid.
Erowid Reference 7303 : Effects of vasopressin on human memory functions : Weingartner H, Gold P, Ballenger JC, Smallberg SA, Summers R, Rubinow DR, Post RM, Goodwin FK
The Index page for the reference article: Weingartner H, Gold P, Ballenger JC, Smallberg SA, Summers R, Rubinow DR, Post RM, Goodwin FK Effects of vasopressin on human memory functions Science 1981 211(4482):601-3
Erowid Reference 8317 : 'Most of the time you already know': pharmaceutical information assembly by young adults on the internet : Quintero G, Bundy H
The Index page for the reference article: Quintero G, Bundy H 'Most of the time you already know': pharmaceutical information assembly by young adults on the internet Subst Use Misuse 2011 46(7):898-909
Archives: Psychonaut: Bicycle Day - LSD
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad licking NOT
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad Bibliography
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Bufo alvarius - Colorado River Toad Sonoran Desert Toad 5-MeO-DMT
Extensive information about Bufo alvarius, the Colorado River toad, Sonoran Desert toad, including the preparation and effects of its secretions, with photos, stories, links, and more.
Experience Vaults: Phentermine, Ginkgo biloba, Coffee & Ephedrine - Too Much, Too Tedious and Too Fast - 36340
An experience with Phentermine, Ginkgo biloba, Coffee & Ephedrine. 'Too Much, Too Tedious and Too Fast' by Twigz
Online Books : Proemium from "Pharmacotheon" by Jonathan Ott
The full text of 'Proemium' from Jonathan Ott's 'Pharmacotheon'.
Archives: Psychonaut:
'A muse inspired rave on the Psilocybe cubensis mushroom, originally titled 'The Way of the Little Clowns'.
Erowid Reference 7416 : Observations on the psychotogenic effect of N-N diethyltryptamine, a new tryptamine derivative : BOSZORMENYI Z, DER P, NAGY T
The Index page for the reference article: BOSZORMENYI Z, DER P, NAGY T Observations on the psychotogenic effect of N-N diethyltryptamine, a new tryptamine derivative J Ment Sci 1959 105(438):171-81
Erowid Reference 212 : The effects of aminorex and related compounds on brain monoamines and metabolites in CBA mice : Zheng Y, Russell B, Schmierer D, Laverty R
The Index page for the reference article: Zheng Y, Russell B, Schmierer D, Laverty R The effects of aminorex and related compounds on brain monoamines and metabolites in CBA mice J Pharm Pharmacol 1997 49(1):89-96
DXM Vault : Response to "The Bad News Isn't In": Please Pass The Crow, by William E. White

Displaying Results 1141 to 1170 of 10771