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Erowid Search Results for: How much does vicodin 5-300 cost on the street (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 7711 to 7740 of 10771

Erowid Reference 7253 : Role of serotonin in the discriminative stimulus properties of mescaline : Browne RG, Ho BT
The Index page for the reference article: Browne RG, Ho BT Role of serotonin in the discriminative stimulus properties of mescaline Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1975 3(3):429-35
Erowid Reference 7218 : Driving under the influence of GHB? : Stephens BG, Baselt RC
The Index page for the reference article: Stephens BG, Baselt RC Driving under the influence of GHB? J Anal Toxicol 1994 18(6):357-8
Experience Vaults: Belladonna - Witch's Brew - 55219
An experience with Belladonna. 'Witch's Brew' by Witchy
Psychoactive Vaults : Journal Article #8
Structure-Activity Relationships of the Classic Hallucinogens and Their Analogs., by P. Jacobs III and A.T. Shulgin.
Experience Vaults: LSA - 40 Hours in Hell and a Round to the Hospital - 53563
An experience with LSA. '40 Hours in Hell and a Round to the Hospital' by Astro-Shaman
Erowid Reference 6431 : Entheogens in the Study of Mystical and Archetypal Experiences : Richards WA
The Index page for the reference article: Richards WA Entheogens in the Study of Mystical and Archetypal Experiences Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion 2003 13:143-155
Erowid Reference 6433 : Entheogens in the Study of Religious Experiences: Current Status : Richards WA
The Index page for the reference article: Richards WA Entheogens in the Study of Religious Experiences: Current Status J Religion Health 2005 44:377-389
Erowid Reference 6316 : An introduction to the psychedelic psychotherapy of Salvador Roquet : Villoldo A
The Index page for the reference article: Villoldo A An introduction to the psychedelic psychotherapy of Salvador Roquet Journal of Humanistic Psychology 1977 17(4):45-58
Experience Vaults: AMT & Alcohol - The Duration of MAOI Properties - 22082
An experience with AMT & Alcohol. 'The Duration of MAOI Properties' by Greg'sCortex
Experience Vaults: Nitrous Oxide & Psilocybin - The Power of Nitrous Oxide - 18493
An experience with Nitrous Oxide & Psilocybin. 'The Power of Nitrous Oxide' by Bcakes
Experience Vaults: Datura - Forbidden Fruit in the Garden of Eden - 43172
An experience with Datura. 'Forbidden Fruit in the Garden of Eden' by Sasha
Experience Vaults: DOB - The Energizer Bunny Acid - 54067
An experience with DOB. 'The Energizer Bunny Acid' by Psycho-Not
Experience Vaults: Wormwood & Various - The Green Fairy and Me - 61181
An experience with Wormwood & Various. 'The Green Fairy and Me' by Playswithfire
Experience Vaults: Absinthe - A Right and Proper way to Share the Drink - 38640
An experience with Absinthe. 'A Right and Proper way to Share the Drink' by Photographer Chad
Experience Vaults: Heroin - Not The Next Dope Sick Junkie - 42577
An experience with Heroin. 'Not The Next Dope Sick Junkie' by Baddshit
Experience Vaults: 4-Methylmethcathinone - Stimulant Heaven and the Otherwordly Euphoria - 72394
An experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone. 'Stimulant Heaven and the Otherwordly Euphoria' by A_R
Experience Vaults: DIPT - Like Listening to your Favourite Songs for the First Time - 93112
An experience with DIPT. 'Like Listening to your Favourite Songs for the First Time' by peruviankush
Experience Vaults: Desoxyn (Methamphetamine) - Adderall Without the Side Effects - 15361
An experience with Desoxyn (Methamphetamine). 'Adderall Without the Side Effects' by Oldskool
EroDevMisc: The Kratom Report
Experience Vaults: Blue Lotus and Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred Lotus) - Wandering Among the Lotus - 57214
An experience with Blue Lotus and Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred Lotus). 'Wandering Among the Lotus' by Psychoshrike
Experience Vaults: AMT - Keep Your Mind in the Vehicle at all Times - 30869
An experience with AMT. 'Keep Your Mind in the Vehicle at all Times' by Anothermartini
Experience Vaults: Diethyl Ether - In The Depths of an Ether Binge - 3302
An experience with Diethyl Ether. 'In The Depths of an Ether Binge' by FlowGnome
Erowid Reference 6657 : Frog secretions and hunting magic in the upper Amazon: identification of a peptide that interacts with an adenosine receptor : Daly JW, Caceres J, Moni RW, Gusovsky F, Moos M Jr, Seamon KB, Milton K, Myers CW
The Index page for the reference article: Daly JW, Caceres J, Moni RW, Gusovsky F, Moos M Jr, Seamon KB, Milton K, Myers CW Frog secretions and hunting magic in the upper Amazon: identification of a peptide that interacts with an adenosine receptor Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1992 89(22):10960-3
Experience Vaults: Alcohol & Cannabis - Just a Segment of the Dream That is My Life - 35962
An experience with Alcohol & Cannabis. 'Just a Segment of the Dream That is My Life' by Null
Experience Vaults: AMT & Cigarettes - Turn Into A Cartoon And Disappear Through The Walls - 13580
An experience with AMT & Cigarettes. 'Turn Into A Cartoon And Disappear Through The Walls' by Cookieguy
Experience Vaults: MDMA (Ecstasy) - A Wedding, the State Park, and My Third Eye - 66206
An experience with MDMA (Ecstasy). 'A Wedding, the State Park, and My Third Eye' by Winnie the Pooh
Eleusis: Novel Proposed Prep of MDA
Experience Vaults: Phenibut - A Great Alternative to the Lethal G - 91017
An experience with Phenibut. 'A Great Alternative to the Lethal G' by complexamino
Peyote Vaults : Peyote in the Wilds of Texas
'Peyote in the Wilds of Texas', by Keeper Trout and Burnt Norton

Displaying Results 7711 to 7740 of 10771