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Erowid Search Results for: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 3841 to 3870 of 5181

Erowid Reference 8388 : The Psychotherapeutic Use Of Psychodysleptic Drugs : Fisher G, Martin AJ
The Index page for the reference article: Fisher G, Martin AJ The Psychotherapeutic Use Of Psychodysleptic Drugs Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy 1970 5:67-72
Erowid Reference 8336 : Reply to Parrott (2011), Fisk et al (2011) and Rodgers et al (2011) : Halpern JH, Sherwood AR, Hudson JI, Gruber S, Kozin D, Pope HG
The Index page for the reference article: Halpern JH, Sherwood AR, Hudson JI, Gruber S, Kozin D, Pope HG Reply to Parrott (2011), Fisk et al (2011) and Rodgers et al (2011) Addiction 2011 106(7):1270-372
Erowid Reference 7402 : Self-treatment of opioid withdrawal using kratom (Mitragynia speciosa korth) : Boyer EW, Babu KM, Adkins JE, McCurdy CR, Halpern JH
The Index page for the reference article: Boyer EW, Babu KM, Adkins JE, McCurdy CR, Halpern JH Self-treatment of opioid withdrawal using kratom (Mitragynia speciosa korth) Addiction 2008 103(6):1048-50
Erowid Reference 6671 : Nicotine self-administration acutely activates brain reward systems and induces a long-lasting increase in reward sensitivity : Kenny PJ, Markou A
The Index page for the reference article: Kenny PJ, Markou A Nicotine self-administration acutely activates brain reward systems and induces a long-lasting increase in reward sensitivity Neuropsychopharmacology 2006 31(6):1203-11
Erowid Reference 1069 : Methylenedioxyamphetamine: Neurotoxic effects on serotonergic projections to brainstem nuclei in the rat : Harvey JA, McMaster SE, Romano AG
The Index page for the reference article: Harvey JA, McMaster SE, Romano AG Methylenedioxyamphetamine: Neurotoxic effects on serotonergic projections to brainstem nuclei in the rat Brain Res 1993 619(1-2):1-14
Erowid Reference 2121 : Lysergic acid diethylamide: its effects on a male asiatic elephant : West LJ, Pierce CM, Thomas WD
The Index page for the reference article: West LJ, Pierce CM, Thomas WD Lysergic acid diethylamide: its effects on a male asiatic elephant Science 1962 138:1100-1103
Erowid Reference 4685 : Chromosomal damage in human leukocytes induced by lysergic acid diethylamide : Cohen MM, Marinello MJ, Back N
The Index page for the reference article: Cohen MM, Marinello MJ, Back N Chromosomal damage in human leukocytes induced by lysergic acid diethylamide Science 1967 155:1417-19
Erowid Reference 6666 : A urine screening test of lysergide (LSD-25) : Faed EM, McLeod WR
The Index page for the reference article: Faed EM, McLeod WR A urine screening test of lysergide (LSD-25) J of Chromatographic Science 1973 11:4-6
Erowid Reference 6647 : Do hallucinogens cause residual neuropsychological toxicity? : Halpern JH, Pope HG Jr
The Index page for the reference article: Halpern JH, Pope HG Jr Do hallucinogens cause residual neuropsychological toxicity? Drug Alcohol Depend 1999 53(3):247-56
Erowid Reference 7206 : Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Creative Behavior and the Use of Psychedelics : Krippner S
The Index page for the reference article: Krippner S Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Creative Behavior and the Use of Psychedelics Yearbook of Cross-Cultural Medicine and Psychotherapy 1995 ? (6)
Erowid Reference 7141 : False-positive phencyclidine immunoassay results caused by venlafaxine and O-desmethylvenlafaxine : Sena SF, Kazimi S, Wu AH
The Index page for the reference article: Sena SF, Kazimi S, Wu AH False-positive phencyclidine immunoassay results caused by venlafaxine and O-desmethylvenlafaxine Clin Chem 2002 48(4):676-7
Erowid Reference 7438 : The medicinal use of chocolate in early North America : Pucciarelli DL, Grivetti LE
The Index page for the reference article: Pucciarelli DL, Grivetti LE The medicinal use of chocolate in early North America Mol Nutr Food Res 2008 52(10):1215-27
Erowid Reference 7295 : Monoamine oxidase inhibitors in South American hallucinogenic plants Part 2: Constituents of orally-active Myristicaceous hallucinogens : McKenna DJ, Towers GH, Abbott FS
The Index page for the reference article: McKenna DJ, Towers GH, Abbott FS Monoamine oxidase inhibitors in South American hallucinogenic plants Part 2: Constituents of orally-active Myristicaceous hallucinogens J Ethnopharmacol 1984 12(2):179-211
Erowid Reference 6810 : Ethnopharmacognosy and Human Pharmacology of Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A : Ott J
The Index page for the reference article: Ott J Ethnopharmacognosy and Human Pharmacology of Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A Curare 1995 18(1):103-129
Erowid Reference 7081 : The PCP epidemic: a critical review : Davis BL
The Index page for the reference article: Davis BL The PCP epidemic: a critical review Int J Addict 1982 17(7):1137-55
Erowid Reference 7074 : Pathological changes induced in cerebrocortical neurons by phencyclidine and related drugs : Olney JW, Labruyere J, Price MT
The Index page for the reference article: Olney JW, Labruyere J, Price MT Pathological changes induced in cerebrocortical neurons by phencyclidine and related drugs Science 1989 244(4910):1360-2
Erowid Reference 895 : Drugs and drugs education in the inner city: The views of 12-year-olds and their parents : Rogers A, McCarthy M
The Index page for the reference article: Rogers A, McCarthy M Drugs and drugs education in the inner city: The views of 12-year-olds and their parents Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy 1999 6(1):51-59
Erowid Reference 7217 : Prenatal cocaine exposure adversely affects development of the primate cerebral cortex : Lidow MS
The Index page for the reference article: Lidow MS Prenatal cocaine exposure adversely affects development of the primate cerebral cortex Synapse 1995 21(4):332-41
Erowid Reference 7211 : Cocaine pharmacokinetics in humans : Barnett G, Hawks R, Resnick R
The Index page for the reference article: Barnett G, Hawks R, Resnick R Cocaine pharmacokinetics in humans J Ethnopharmacol 1981 3(2-3):353-66
Erowid Reference 7212 : Cocaine on cash not proof of drug dealing, courts rule : Sargeant G
The Index page for the reference article: Sargeant G Cocaine on cash not proof of drug dealing, courts rule Trial 1993 29(11):91
Erowid Reference 7917 : Synthesis and pharmacological examination of benzofuran, indan, and tetralin analogues of 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine : Monte AP, Marona-Lewicka D, Cozzi NV, Nichols DE
The Index page for the reference article: Monte AP, Marona-Lewicka D, Cozzi NV, Nichols DE Synthesis and pharmacological examination of benzofuran, indan, and tetralin analogues of 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine J Med Chem 1993 36(23):3700-6
Erowid Reference 7042 : Role of oxytocin in the neuroadaptation to drugs of abuse : Sarnyai Z, Kovacs GL
The Index page for the reference article: Sarnyai Z, Kovacs GL Role of oxytocin in the neuroadaptation to drugs of abuse Psychoneuroendocrinology 1994 19(1):85-117
Erowid Reference 7043 : Oxytocin abuse: a case report : Arun P, Chavan BS, Priti Arun.
The Index page for the reference article: Arun P, Chavan BS, Priti Arun. Oxytocin abuse: a case report Indian J Psychiatry 1998 40(1):90-1
Erowid Reference 6465 : Alkaloids of Stipa robusta (sleepygrass) infected with an Acremonium endophyte : Petroski RJ, Powell RG, Clay K
The Index page for the reference article: Petroski RJ, Powell RG, Clay K Alkaloids of Stipa robusta (sleepygrass) infected with an Acremonium endophyte Nat Toxins 1992 1(2):84-8
Erowid Reference 7289 : Acremonium Isolates From Stipa Robusta : Kaiser Jr WJ, Bruehl GW, Davitt CM, Klein RE
The Index page for the reference article: Kaiser Jr WJ, Bruehl GW, Davitt CM, Klein RE Acremonium Isolates From Stipa Robusta Mycologia 1996 88(4):539-547
Erowid Reference 7470 : 'Spice' and other herbal blends: harmless incense or cannabinoid designer drugs? : Auwärter V, Dresen S, Weinmann W, Müller M, Pütz M, Ferreirós N
The Index page for the reference article: Auwärter V, Dresen S, Weinmann W, Müller M, Pütz M, Ferreirós N 'Spice' and other herbal blends: harmless incense or cannabinoid designer drugs? Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2009 pn/a
Erowid Reference 6615 : Serotonin and Depression: A Disconnect between the Advertisements and the Scientific Literature : Lacasse JR, Leo J
The Index page for the reference article: Lacasse JR, Leo J Serotonin and Depression: A Disconnect between the Advertisements and the Scientific Literature PLoS Med 2005 2(12):e392
Drug Slang & Terminology Vault : E - F
A list of over 1,500 street slang terms for various drugs : Words starting with E and F.
Drug Slang & Terminology Vault : W - X
A list of over 1,500 street slang terms for various drugs : Words starting with W and X.
Erowid Reference 8014 : The mysterious trace amines: protean neuromodulators of synaptic transmission in mammalian brain : Burchett SA, Hicks TP
The Index page for the reference article: Burchett SA, Hicks TP The mysterious trace amines: protean neuromodulators of synaptic transmission in mammalian brain Prog Neurobiol 2006 79(5-6):223-46

Displaying Results 3841 to 3870 of 5181