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Erowid Search Results for: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 4201 to 4230 of 5181

Cannabis Vault : Washington State 1998 Medical Marijuana Initiative
Washington State I-692 : Full Text
Vault Champignons Psilocybes : Culture : Techniques avec Agar
Culture de Champignons : Avantages des techniques avec Agar
Vault Champignons Psilocybes : Cultivation : Technique d'Humidification par la Perlite
Information sur la cultivation de champignons psilocybes selon une technique d'humidification par la perlite.
Vault Champignons Psilocybes : Citation d'une soigneuse aux Champignons
Citations d'une soigneuse aux Champignons : Maria Sabina
Cannabis Vault : House of Lords Report
House of Lords - Science and Technology - Ninth Report : Appendix 1
Cannabis Vault : House of Lords Report
House of Lords - Science and Technology - Ninth Report : Appendix 5
Cannabis Vault : House of Lords Report
House of Lords - Science and Technology - Ninth Report : Appendix 4
Cannabis Vault : House of Lords Report
House of Lords - Science and Technology - Ninth Report : Appendix 3
Datura Vault : Identification Guide
Datura Identification Guide
Datura Vault : Identification Guide
Datura Identification Guide
Datura Vault : Identification Guide
Datura Identification Guide
Vault Champignons Psilocybes : Cultivation : Paramètres
Description de paramètres de culture de Champignons.
Vault Champignons Psilocybes : Fréquence de consommation des champignons psilocybes
Informations sur les nombres de personnes ayant consommées les champignons psilocybes au Etats Unis, la Grande Bretagne, la France et le Canada.
Vault Champignons Psilocybes : Cultivation : Substitution de Céréales Différentes
Variation PF-tek - Substitution de céréales différentes
Vault Champignons Psilocybes : Le Premier Voyage de Wasson
Informations sur la découverte des champignons mexicains par Wasson.
Vault Champignons Psilocybes : Effets
Une description des effets des champignons magiques.
Psilocybin Mushroom Vault : Psilocybe Mushroom FAQ
Psilocybin Mushroom Vault : Safe-Pik Mushroom Identification Guide
An extensive collection of images, information, and links on historical, spiritual, cultural, and medicinal use, safety, research, effects, experiences, laws, chemistry, faqs, cultivation, and books about psychoactive mushrooms.
MDMA Vault : Info #4 on neurotoxicity
Ecstasy: A Human Neurotoxin?
MDMA Vault : Media #1
Better than Well, Article on MDMA from The Economist, April 6th, 1996
MDMA Vault : Media #3
Press the Panic Button - New Scientist, January 25, 1997 - Panic over Ecstasy in Britain.
MDMA Vault : Media #5
Ecstasy: A Dose of Generation X - Psychology Today, May/June 1994
MDMA Vault : Media Article
E-Commerce: an article on the underground Ecstasy trade from New York Magazine, July 24, 2000
MDMA Vault : Media #4
FDA Allows Human Tests of Love Drug - San Diego Union Tribune, December 26, 1993
Cannabis Vault : 1998 Medical Marijuana Election Results
Results of the 1998 Medical Marijuana Initiative Election results in 6 states & Washington D.C.
Cannabis Vault : Dosage
Information on Cannabis and Synthetic THC dosages.
Cannabis Vault : FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions about Cannabis & Hemp
Cannabis (Marijuana) Vault : Health
Information on health affects and concerns related to Cannabis.
Cannabis Vault : Growlight FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about Growlights
Cannabis Vault : Cannabis Law FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about cannabis laws in the united states.

Displaying Results 4201 to 4230 of 5181