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Erowid Search Results for: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (new 2022 march 29)

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PLANTS (546)

Displaying Results 5131 to 5160 of 5181

Erowid Reference 7392 : The detection and quantitative analysis of the psychoactive component of Salvia divinorum, salvinorin A, in human biological fluids using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry : McDonough PC, Holler JM, Vorce SP, Bosy TZ, Magluilo J, Past MR
The Index page for the reference article: McDonough PC, Holler JM, Vorce SP, Bosy TZ, Magluilo J, Past MR The detection and quantitative analysis of the psychoactive component of Salvia divinorum, salvinorin A, in human biological fluids using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry J Anal Toxicol 2008 32(6):417-21
Erowid Reference 7225 : Simultaneous stimulation of slow-wave sleep and growth hormone secretion by gamma-hydroxybutyrate in normal young Men : Van Cauter E, Plat L, Scharf MB, Leproult R, Cespedes S, L'Hermite-Balariaux M, Copinschi G
The Index page for the reference article: Van Cauter E, Plat L, Scharf MB, Leproult R, Cespedes S, L'Hermite-Balariaux M, Copinschi G Simultaneous stimulation of slow-wave sleep and growth hormone secretion by gamma-hydroxybutyrate in normal young Men J Clin Invest 1997 100(3):745-53
Erowid Reference 7223 : Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid decreases intravenous cocaine self-administration in rats : Martellotta MC, Balducci C, Fattore L, Cossu G, Gessa GL, Pulvirenti L, Fratta W
The Index page for the reference article: Martellotta MC, Balducci C, Fattore L, Cossu G, Gessa GL, Pulvirenti L, Fratta W Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid decreases intravenous cocaine self-administration in rats Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1998 59(3):697-702
Erowid Reference 7222 : Clinical efficacy of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid in treatment of opiate withdrawal : Gallimberti L, Schifano F, Forza G, Miconi L, Ferrara SD
The Index page for the reference article: Gallimberti L, Schifano F, Forza G, Miconi L, Ferrara SD Clinical efficacy of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid in treatment of opiate withdrawal Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 1994 244(3):113-4
Erowid Reference 6279 : Human psychopharmacology of hoasca, a plant hallucinogen used in ritual context in Brazil : Grob CS, McKenna DJ, Callaway JC, Brito GS, Neves ES, Oberlaender G, Saide OL, Labigalini E, Tacla C, Miranda CT, Strassman RJ, Boone KB
The Index page for the reference article: Grob CS, McKenna DJ, Callaway JC, Brito GS, Neves ES, Oberlaender G, Saide OL, Labigalini E, Tacla C, Miranda CT, Strassman RJ, Boone KB Human psychopharmacology of hoasca, a plant hallucinogen used in ritual context in Brazil J Nerv Ment Dis 1996 184(2):86-94
Erowid Reference 7522 : Occurrence and significance of decahydroquinolines from dendrobatid poison frogs and a myrmicine ant: use of 1H and 13C NMR in their conformational analysis : Spande TF, Jain P, Garraffo HM, Pannell LK, Yeh HJC, Daly JW, Fukumoto S, Imamura K, Tokuyama T, Torres JA, Snelling RR, Jones TH
The Index page for the reference article: Spande TF, Jain P, Garraffo HM, Pannell LK, Yeh HJC, Daly JW, Fukumoto S, Imamura K, Tokuyama T, Torres JA, Snelling RR, Jones TH Occurrence and significance of decahydroquinolines from dendrobatid poison frogs and a myrmicine ant: use of 1H and 13C NMR in their conformational analysis J Nat Prod 1999 62(1):5-21
Erowid Reference 7174 : 2C-B: a new psychoactive phenylethylamine recently discovered in Ecstasy tablets sold on the Swiss black market : Giroud C, Augsburger M, Rivier L, Mangin P, Sadeghipour F, Varesio E, Veuthey JL, Kamalaprija P
The Index page for the reference article: Giroud C, Augsburger M, Rivier L, Mangin P, Sadeghipour F, Varesio E, Veuthey JL, Kamalaprija P 2C-B: a new psychoactive phenylethylamine recently discovered in Ecstasy tablets sold on the Swiss black market J Anal Toxicol 1998 22(5):345-54
Erowid Reference 1264 : [Fulminant liver failure after administration of the herbal antidepressant Kava-Kava. - Article in Deutsch] : Kraft M, Spahn TW, Menzel J, Senninger N, Dietl KH, Herbst H, Domschke W, Lerch MM
The Index page for the reference article: Kraft M, Spahn TW, Menzel J, Senninger N, Dietl KH, Herbst H, Domschke W, Lerch MM [Fulminant liver failure after administration of the herbal antidepressant Kava-Kava. - Article in Deutsch] Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2001 126(36):970-2
Erowid Reference 6337 : Antinociceptive effect of 7-hydroxymitragynine in mice: Discovery of an orally active opioid analgesic from the Thai medicinal herb Mitragyna speciosa : Matsumoto K, Horie S, Ishikawa H, Takayama H, Aimi N, Ponglux D, Watanabe K
The Index page for the reference article: Matsumoto K, Horie S, Ishikawa H, Takayama H, Aimi N, Ponglux D, Watanabe K Antinociceptive effect of 7-hydroxymitragynine in mice: Discovery of an orally active opioid analgesic from the Thai medicinal herb Mitragyna speciosa Life Sci 2004 74(17):2143-55
Erowid Reference 6339 : Effect of mitragynine, derived from Thai folk medicine, on gastric acid secretion through opioid receptor in anesthetized rats : Tsuchiya S, Miyashita S, Yamamoto M, Horie S, Sakai S, Aimi N, Takayama H, Watanabe K
The Index page for the reference article: Tsuchiya S, Miyashita S, Yamamoto M, Horie S, Sakai S, Aimi N, Takayama H, Watanabe K Effect of mitragynine, derived from Thai folk medicine, on gastric acid secretion through opioid receptor in anesthetized rats Eur J Pharmacol 2002 443(1-3):185-8
Erowid Reference 8331 : The effect of caffeine and stress on auditory hallucinations in a non-clinical sample : Crowe SF, Barot J, Caldow S, D’Aspromonte J, Dell’Orso J, Di Clemente A, Hanson K, Kellett M, Makhlota A, McIvor B, McKenzie L, Norman R, Thiru A, Twyerould M, Sapega S
The Index page for the reference article: Crowe SF, Barot J, Caldow S, D’Aspromonte J, Dell’Orso J, Di Clemente A, Hanson K, Kellett M, Makhlota A, McIvor B, McKenzie L, Norman R, Thiru A, Twyerould M, Sapega S The effect of caffeine and stress on auditory hallucinations in a non-clinical sample Personality and Individual Differences 2011 50(5):626-630
Erowid Reference 6621 : N-substituted piperazines abused by humans mimic the molecular mechanism of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, or 'Ecstasy') : Baumann MH, Clark RD, Budzynski AG, Partilla JS, Blough BE, Rothman RB
The Index page for the reference article: Baumann MH, Clark RD, Budzynski AG, Partilla JS, Blough BE, Rothman RB N-substituted piperazines abused by humans mimic the molecular mechanism of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, or 'Ecstasy') Neuropsychopharmacology 2005 30(3):550-60
Erowid Reference 1388 : Interaction of Paroxetine and MDMA in humans : Farré M, Roset PN, de la Torre R, Segura M, Ortuño J, Peiró A, Torrens M, Pacifici R, Zuccaro P, Camí J
The Index page for the reference article: Farré M, Roset PN, de la Torre R, Segura M, Ortuño J, Peiró A, Torrens M, Pacifici R, Zuccaro P, Camí J Interaction of Paroxetine and MDMA in humans College on Problems of Drug Dependence 2002 Poster Board 100
Erowid Reference 90 : MDMA ('ecstasy') consumption in the context of polydrug abuse: a report on 150 patients : Schifano F, Di Furia L, Forza G, Minicuci N, Bricolo R
The Index page for the reference article: Schifano F, Di Furia L, Forza G, Minicuci N, Bricolo R MDMA ('ecstasy') consumption in the context of polydrug abuse: a report on 150 patients Drug Alcohol Depend 1998 52(1):85-90
Erowid Reference 392 : Acute Psychological Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') are Attenuated by the Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor Citalopram : Liechti ME, Baumann C, Gamma A, Vollenweider FX
The Index page for the reference article: Liechti ME, Baumann C, Gamma A, Vollenweider FX Acute Psychological Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') are Attenuated by the Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor Citalopram Neuropsychopharmacology 2000 22(5):513-21
Erowid Reference 8055 : Use patterns and self-reported effects of Salvia divinorum: An internet-based survey : Baggott MJ, Erowid E, Erowid F, Galloway GP, Mendelson J
The Index page for the reference article: Baggott MJ, Erowid E, Erowid F, Galloway GP, Mendelson J Use patterns and self-reported effects of Salvia divinorum: An internet-based survey Drug Alcohol Depend 2010
Erowid Reference 8044 : Simultaneous analysis of six novel hallucinogenic tetrahydrobenzodifuranylaminoalkanes FLYs and benzodifuranylaminoalkanes DragonFLYs by GC-MS, LC-MS, and LC-MS-MS : Zaitsu K, Katagi M, Hiroe H, Nakanishi K, Shima N, Kamata T, Nishioka H, Miki A, Tatsuno M and Tsuchihashi H
The Index page for the reference article: Zaitsu K, Katagi M, Hiroe H, Nakanishi K, Shima N, Kamata T, Nishioka H, Miki A, Tatsuno M and Tsuchihashi H Simultaneous analysis of six novel hallucinogenic tetrahydrobenzodifuranylaminoalkanes FLYs and benzodifuranylaminoalkanes DragonFLYs by GC-MS, LC-MS, and LC-MS-MS Forensic Toxicol 2010 28(1):9-18
Erowid Reference 8049 : MDMA powder, pills and crystal: the persistence of ecstasy and the poverty of policy : Smith Z, Moore K, Measham F
The Index page for the reference article: Smith Z, Moore K, Measham F MDMA powder, pills and crystal: the persistence of ecstasy and the poverty of policy Drugs and Alcohol Today 2009 9(1):13-19
Erowid Reference 8511 : Here Today, Gone Tomorrow...and Back Again? A Review of Herbal Marijuana Alternatives (K2, Spice), Synthetic Cathinones (Bath Salts), Kratom, Salvia divinorum, Methoxetamine, and Piperazines : Rosenbaum CD, Carreiro SP, Babu KM
The Index page for the reference article: Rosenbaum CD, Carreiro SP, Babu KM Here Today, Gone Tomorrow...and Back Again? A Review of Herbal Marijuana Alternatives (K2, Spice), Synthetic Cathinones (Bath Salts), Kratom, Salvia divinorum, Methoxetamine, and Piperazines J Med Toxicol 2012
Erowid Reference 6045 : Death following ingestion of MDMA (ecstasy) and moclobemide : Vuori E, Henry JA, Ojanpera I, Nieminen R, Savolainen T, Wahlsten P, Jantti M
The Index page for the reference article: Vuori E, Henry JA, Ojanpera I, Nieminen R, Savolainen T, Wahlsten P, Jantti M Death following ingestion of MDMA (ecstasy) and moclobemide Addiction 2003 98(3):365-8
Erowid Reference 8483 : Emerging psychoactive substance use among regular ecstasy users in Australia : Bruno R, Matthews AJ, Dunn M, Alati R, McIlwraith F, Hickey S, Burns L, Sindicich N
The Index page for the reference article: Bruno R, Matthews AJ, Dunn M, Alati R, McIlwraith F, Hickey S, Burns L, Sindicich N Emerging psychoactive substance use among regular ecstasy users in Australia Drug Alcohol Depend 2011
Library/Bookstore : 'Food of the Gods'
'Food of the Gods' by Terence McKenna
Heroin Vault : FAQ
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Heroin.
MDMA Vault : Retraction of 2002 Science Article ("Severe Dopaminergic Neurotoxicity...") by Ricuarte
Text of the retraction of the article from Sep 2002 Science
MDMA Vault : MDMA Hypnotic Anchoring, by Philip H. Farber
MDMA Psychotherapy Annotated Bibliography, by R Stuart
Ayahuasca Vault : Notes on Brazilian Ayahuasca Law
Notes about the legal status of ayahuasca and its contituent plants in Brazil
Ayahuasca Vault : Law : UDV Ayahuaca Legal Case Starts in New Mexico
A news story from Santa Fe New about a case which might be the first solid ruling on whether ayahuasca use can be protected under the First Amendment as a religious practice.
Ayahuasca Vault : Law : UDV Wins Preliminary Injunction In New Mexico (August 12, 2002)
A brief news story about an Ayahuasca using church which won a preliminary injunction against the seizure of their sacramental Ayahuasca tea on the basis of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Ayahuasca Vault : Law : Ayahuasca Not Illegal in France (Jan 2005)
A brief story about Paris Court of Appeal acquittal of five French and one Brazilian Daimistas (Jan 2005)
Ayahuasca Vault : Law : France Controls Ayahuasca Plants and Chemicals (May 2005
A brief story about the French government adding ayahuasca admixture plants to the list of controlled substances in May 2005

Displaying Results 5131 to 5160 of 5181