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Erowid Search Results for: synthesis of thc (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 3631 to 3660 of 11422

HMP Rule 39
HMP Rule 39
Casey William HARDISON
HMP Rule 39
Library/Bookstore : 'Peyote Hunt'
'Peyote Hunt: The Sacred Journey of the Huichol Indians' by Barbara G. Myerhoff
Library/Bookstore : 'Beyond Belief'
'Beyond Belief' by Jed Powers
Online Books : "PIHKAL" - #109 MDMA
Entry #109 MDMA from PiHKAL by Alexander & Ann Shulgin.
Experience Vaults: Zopiclone (Imovane), Citalopram (Celexa) & Cannabis - Skating the Thin Ice of the New Day - 57083
An experience with Zopiclone (Imovane), Citalopram (Celexa) & Cannabis. 'Skating the Thin Ice of the New Day' by Sean Armitage
Experience Vaults: Nitrous Oxide - Nitrous Oxide Revelations of God and Eternity - 36803
An experience with Nitrous Oxide. 'Nitrous Oxide Revelations of God and Eternity' by Billy James
Library/Bookstore : 'The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs: Inhalants'
'The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs: Inhalants' by John R. Glowa, M.D
Psychoactive Law Vaults : New US State Plant Laws to Ban Hallucinogens
Descriptions of the legal status of various psychoactive drugs, plants, pharmaceutical medications, herbs, and nootropics
Erowid Reference 284 : The relationship between the degree of neurodegeneration of rat brain 5-HT nerve terminals and the dose and frequency of administration of MDMA ('ecstasy') : O'Shea E, Granados R, Esteban B, Colado MI, Green AR
The Index page for the reference article: O'Shea E, Granados R, Esteban B, Colado MI, Green AR The relationship between the degree of neurodegeneration of rat brain 5-HT nerve terminals and the dose and frequency of administration of MDMA ('ecstasy') Neuropharmacology 1998 37(7):919-26
Erowid Reference 740 : Phenomenology and sequelae of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine use : Liester MB, Grob CS, Bravo GL, Walsh RN
The Index page for the reference article: Liester MB, Grob CS, Bravo GL, Walsh RN Phenomenology and sequelae of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine use J Nerv Ment Dis 1992 180(6):345-52; discussion 3
Homemade Microgram Electrobalance
Psychotomimetic Agents
An overview of chemical weapons acting on the mind
Erowid Reference 4677 : Detection of LSD : Ketchum JS
The Index page for the reference article: Ketchum JS Detection of LSD Amer J Psychiat 1969 125:1447-1448
Experience Vaults: LSD - The Sleeping Tiger of LSD - 4953
An experience with LSD. 'The Sleeping Tiger of LSD' by Felix Fishpaw
Erowid Reference 8410 : Variable adverse effects in subjects after ingestion of equal doses of Argyreia nervosa seeds : Kremer C, Paulke A, Wunder C, Toennes SW
The Index page for the reference article: Kremer C, Paulke A, Wunder C, Toennes SW Variable adverse effects in subjects after ingestion of equal doses of Argyreia nervosa seeds Forensic Sci Int 2011
Erowid Reference 4948 : Action of psychotogenic drugs on single midbrain raphe neurons : Aghajanian GK, Foote WE, Sheard MH
The Index page for the reference article: Aghajanian GK, Foote WE, Sheard MH Action of psychotogenic drugs on single midbrain raphe neurons J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 1970 171:178-187
Experience Vaults: Inhalants (Gasoline) - The Gasoline Experiments of a Child - 91070
An experience with Inhalants (Gasoline). 'The Gasoline Experiments of a Child' by Mr. Myriad Sight
Experience Vaults: Flunitrazepam - The Dark Side Of Rohypnol - 28346
An experience with Flunitrazepam. 'The Dark Side Of Rohypnol' by Survivor
Entheogen Vaults : Entheogen Introduction
A myriad of information on entheogens and psychedelics including research, legislation, media coverage, bibliographies and lots of links.
Erowid Reference 6379 : Production of Psilocybin in Psilocybe baeocystis Saprophytic Culture : Leung YA, Smith AH, Paul AG
The Index page for the reference article: Leung YA, Smith AH, Paul AG Production of Psilocybin in Psilocybe baeocystis Saprophytic Culture J Pharm Sci 1965 54:1576
Erowid Reference 6754 : Marijuana use and the risk of lung and upper aerodigestive tract cancers: results of a population-based case-control study : Hashibe M, Morgenstern H, Cui Y, Tashkin DP, Zhang ZF, Cozen W, Mack TM, Greenland S
The Index page for the reference article: Hashibe M, Morgenstern H, Cui Y, Tashkin DP, Zhang ZF, Cozen W, Mack TM, Greenland S Marijuana use and the risk of lung and upper aerodigestive tract cancers: results of a population-based case-control study Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2006 15(10):1829-34
Experience Vaults: Codeine Phosphate - Countering Adverse Effect of Codeine - 2511
An experience with Codeine Phosphate. 'Countering Adverse Effect of Codeine' by Batman
Experience Vaults: Crack & Homemade Electro Shock Therapy - How I Zapped My Way Free of Cocaine - 10063
An experience with Crack & Homemade Electro Shock Therapy. 'How I Zapped My Way Free of Cocaine' by Roberto Carbaja

Displaying Results 3631 to 3660 of 11422