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Erowid Search Results for: synthesis of thc (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 3781 to 3810 of 11422

Library/Bookstore : 'Brainstorming'
'Brainstorming: The Science and Politics of Opiate Research' by Solomon H. Snyder
Library/Bookstore : 'Mushrooms of North America'
'Mushrooms of North America : The most comprehensive mushroom guide ever, with over 1,000 color photographs
Cannabis Vault : Culture #4
Evidence Found of Ancient Marijuana Use
Tryptophan Vault : Info #3
5-HTP Contaminants Comments by a 5-HTP Manufacturer & Independent Testing Lab
Cannabis Vault : Info #8 on Responsible Cannabis Use
Principles of Responsible Cannabis Use, by NORML
Cannabis Vault : Francis L. Young Ruling - Index
Judge Young's (DEA) 1988 ruling on the case of marijuana scheduling
Interview with Albert Hofmann by Michael Horowitz, 1976
lsd book final.PDF
Library/Bookstore : 'The Connoisseur's Handbook of Marijuana'
'The Connoisseur's Handbook of Marijuana' by William Daniel Drake Jr
Library/Bookstore : 'Poppies'
'Poppies: Odyssey of an Opium Eater' by Eric Detzer
Library/Bookstore : 'Bitter Pills'
'Bitter Pills: Inside the Hazardous World of Legal Drugs' by Stephen Fried
Library/Bookstore : 'Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding'
'Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding' the official report of the 1972 national commission on marihuana and drug abuse
Calamus Vault: Calamus Notes
Notes about Sweetflag / Calamus from Usenet.
Library Vaults : Drugs and Culture: New Perspectives
'Table of Contents with Chapter Summaries for Drugs and Culture: New Perspectives'', Edited by Labate, Fiore, Goulart, et al.
SSRI Vaults : Recreational Use of SSRIs and Other Antidepressants
'Recreational Use of SSRIs and Other Antidepressants', by R. Andrew Sewell, MD.
Psychoactive Vaults
DMT Vault : Info #2
Profiles of Psychedelic Drugs - DMT, by Alexander Shulgin
Online Books : "TIHKAL" - #11 a-ET
Entry #11 a-ET from TiHKAL by Alexander & Ann Shulgin.
Experience Vaults: Heimia salicifolia (sinicuichi) - Confessions of an English Sinicuichi Smoker - 8521
An experience with Heimia salicifolia (sinicuichi). 'Confessions of an English Sinicuichi Smoker' by Glossolalia
Experience Vaults: PCP, MDMA, GHB & Cannabis - A Series of PCP Experiments - 15291
An experience with PCP, MDMA, GHB & Cannabis. 'A Series of PCP Experiments' by experimentator
Shulgin: Psychotomimetic Drugs: Structure-Activity Relationships (Hndbk. Psychopharm., Ch. 6) - []
Erowid Reference 6274 : Differential tolerance to biological and subjective effects of four closely spaced doses of N,N-dimethyltryptamine in humans : Strassman RJ, Qualls CR, Berg LM
The Index page for the reference article: Strassman RJ, Qualls CR, Berg LM Differential tolerance to biological and subjective effects of four closely spaced doses of N,N-dimethyltryptamine in humans Biol Psychiatry 1996 39(9):784-95
Experience Vaults: Lactuca - L. virosa, Cannabis & Alcohol - Nice Dream Herb - 48335
An experience with Lactuca - L. virosa, Cannabis & Alcohol. 'Nice Dream Herb' by The Dreamer
Cactus Vault : A Look at the Mescaline Content of T. peruvianus and T. pachanoi, by Fire Erowid
Look at the Mescaline Content of T. peruvianus and T. pachanoi, December 2001, by Fire Erowid
Library/Bookstore : 'The Pharmacology of LSD: A Critical Review'
'The Pharmacology of LSD: A Critical Review' by Annelie Hintzen & Torsten Passie
Experience Vaults: Poppies - Opium & Various Herbs - Poppy Seed Maintenance - 26640
An experience with Poppies - Opium & Various Herbs. 'Poppy Seed Maintenance' by jacky
Experience Vaults: Silene capensis & Dreams - Xhosa Dream herb - 79368
An experience with Silene capensis & Dreams. 'Xhosa Dream herb' by AllWhoYonderRNotLost
Library/Bookstore : 'A Child's Garden of Grass'
'A Child's Garden of Grass' by Jack Margolis and Richard Clorfene
Erowid Reference 442 : MDMA-induced neurotoxicity: parameters of degeneration and recovery of brain serotonin neurons : Battaglia G, Yeh SY, de Souza EB
The Index page for the reference article: Battaglia G, Yeh SY, de Souza EB MDMA-induced neurotoxicity: parameters of degeneration and recovery of brain serotonin neurons Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1988 29(2):269-74

Displaying Results 3781 to 3810 of 11422