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Search Results
All reports with author name including 'dre'
(14 Total)

Wisdom Gained through Experience Skandre Amanita muscaria 2004 Sep 21
Parents Finally Came Through! Skandre Absinthe 2003 Jun 03
A Nice Buzz Skandre Amanita muscaria 2003 Jun 03
Subtle but Interesting Skandre Calamus (Acorus Gramineus) 2003 Jun 03
Don't Expect Much Skandre Leonurus Sibiricus (Marihuanilla) 2003 Jun 03
Problems Seemed Unimportant Skandre Blue Lotus 2002 Nov 11
Shroomy Cookies Skandre Amanita muscaria & Cannabis 2004 Sep 21
Relaxing and Wonderful Skandre Kava 2004 Sep 21
Not Worth It To Me Skandre Wormwood (dried herb) & Alcohol 2003 Jun 03
A Better Way to Enjoy Betel Skandre Betel Nut 2003 Jun 03
Almost Woozy Skandre Hyoscyamus niger (Henbane) 2003 Jun 03
Three Trials Skandre Yohimbe 2002 Nov 11
Not Very Impressed With Betel Nuts (So Far) Skandre Betel Nuts 2002 Sep 23
Harsh Smoke, Definite Buzz Skandre Leonotis leonurus (Wild Dagga) 2002 Aug 17

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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