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Reports from May 25 2018 - May 25 2018
All Reports
(6 Total)

Slow Onset Fast Comeup Intensely Therapeutic FractalClouds 2C-T-2 2018 May 25
Purely Empathogenic ThePoobaman 5-EAPB 2018 May 25
Delirium KW Gabapentin 2018 May 25
Empty Vial lucytripper420 LSD 2018 May 25
Blissed Out Egodeath at ElectricDaisyCarnival Daemons_Heart LSD, 2C-B & MDMA 2018 May 25
No Rec. Value, but Good for Sleep/Depression South Asian Hick Trazodone 2018 May 25

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Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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