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Lobby at the End of Time
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   orbotron. "Lobby at the End of Time: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp101110)". Mar 26, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 glass oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (tea)
  T+ 0:30 1 glass oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (tea)
  T+ 0:45 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 3:00 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
After experimenting for a while with different quantities and methods of ingestion, I came across Terence McKenna’s preferred dosing/technique. Unfortunately, I only had 3.3g left from my last crop and not the 5+ McKenna seems to prefer. Other than the dosage difference I also decided to try it as a tea this time. No matter what it’s combined with, the mushroom material always seems to make me very nauseous.

I also took his advice and tried it alone, in the dark, with no sounds/distractions and with Cannabis during the onset.

Tea prep:

I put the dried mushrooms in a tea bag, letting it steep for a good 10mins in a mug of hot water paired with a bag of ginger and lemon tea. After drinking, I steeped it again for another 10mins with the warm water left in the kettle from the first boil. Pretty simple but it made a huge difference for me. Very little nausea and no noticeable loss in potency.


0:00 - First mug of tea drank slowly. Sitting in a comfortable chair, quietly following my breathing and taking a moment to appreciate this rare and magical experience I was hopefully going to have. I say hopefully because honestly I wasn’t so sure about the tea. I had a feeling that the boiling water may cause the psilocin/psilocybin to degrade. So I was prepared for a mild trip.

0:30 - Second mug of tea. Starting to feel a bit of the buzz coming. Feeling very relaxed. Starting to get a bit cold (happens to me every time during the first few hours)

0:45 - joint #1 smoked. Feeling very buzzed. Some minor visual distortion.

1:00 - Sitting on the couch, eyes closed. Sensation of being in a large open space. CEV slowing coming into focus. I’m sitting in a chair in some sort of a strange lobby. It feels like it’s maybe 300ft wide and what seems like 600ft high. The centerpiece of this lobby is some sort of golden, ruby studded, banjo (for lack of a better word) shaped machine. I have no idea what it is or what it’s for but I don’t seem to be particularly alarmed by its presence.

The following times are estimates with what I could piece together from memory and translations of the largely incoherent stuff I wrote down.

1:30 - I lose the lobby image as I return to awareness of my body. I feel strangely contorted as if my spinal column is aligned in a funny but purposeful way. Sudden understanding of the point of yogic practice - most of which I can’t remember unfortunately.

2:00 - A very curious sensation that is difficult to describe. Like I was a slot machine that hit the jackpot. CEV of lights pulsing, spinning, rapidly flashing and shifting quickly through the spectrum in fractal like patterns. Physical sensation matching the lights pulsing. I am laughing hysterically. Sensation of knowing the answer to every question in existence, but nothing specific. Just the sensation. Around this time I experienced the very unnerving sensation of my body folding into 3 dimensional geometric shapes. It wasn’t physically unpleasant but my brain just was not having it.
I experienced the very unnerving sensation of my body folding into 3 dimensional geometric shapes. It wasn’t physically unpleasant but my brain just was not having it.
I said aloud “too much, too much” which seemed to work as McKenna had suggested for dealing with intense trips. As soon as my vocal chords made the sounds, the contortions stopped. Another thing that happened during this time period was moments of complete loss of connection with time/reality. I found this fascinating. It happened maybe 3 or 4 times and only lasted maybe (I’m guessing) 5-10 seconds each time. It felt like an explosion of light that would freeze at peak intensity. In that light there was only the sensation of knowing all or I guess you could say emotional closure and pure white light (or a complete lack of definition like an over-exposed picture). There was no physical sensation, time or thought.

2:30 - Ego battle. I’m convinced I’m the Buddha and try to grab my computer to write down or record my insights. This proves to be almost beyond comprehension. The computer seems foreign and confusing. I have to try to pull myself out of the ecstatic state to even turn it on. I eventually manage to turn it on and open notepad. I have no idea how long this took but it seemed like forever. This focus on tactile experience seems to have pulled me largely out of the insight state - although I am still completely stoned and the computer screen and whole room is twisting and contorting like mad. I decide to embark on a quest to locate my other joint and lighter. That took a while…

3:00 - I’ve had the second joint and it all comes back. Absolutely fascinating experience of trying to type and report. The very act of description takes me out of what I’m describing. It’s impossible to record the insight. The second a linguistic description of what I’m experiencing pops into my brain, the experience shifts to a linguistic one. Endless subtlety crudely generalized.

4:00 - coming down but feeling a bit frustrated that I spent a large portion of the peak fumbling with my computer and trying to type something that, in the end, was mostly gibberish.

5:00 it’s late and the stimulant effect has worn down enough for me to go to sleep. Feeling tired but fine.

Next morning I feel fine. A little bewildered and not really sure what to make of the experience.

This was definitely a life changing experience but I find it takes a long time to really incorporate it into my daily persona. It’s like everything has changed and nothing has changed. I’m reminded of that part in Aladdin where the Genie describes what it’s like to be a Genie: “Phenomenal cosmic power!!!! iiiiddy biiiddy living space”.

Bon Voyage!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 101110
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Mar 26, 2018Views: 698
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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