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Dead and Grateful
Citation:   Bonzey. "Dead and Grateful: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp101444)". Jun 4, 2019.

7 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I had been using LSD and mushrooms for about two years when I had this experience. It was a couple of weeks after seeing the Grateful Dead for the first time. I had quit smoking pot, and was doing mushrooms on a regular basis. I decided I was going to eat a whole quarter ounce and see what happened. I was living in Florida at the time and had access to large amounts of free mushrooms. I used to pick them after every rain storm. I would not wear shoes when I went hunting because these were my sacraments, and I wanted to feel the subtle earth energies of the fields they grew in.

I took 7 dried grams on a weekend when my father was out of town. It was the best trip I have ever had. I put on Workingmans Dead and American Beauty and was singing along to these two records when the peak hit. What happened was amazing. I started to cry tears of joy, and the saline solution ran from my nose and completely cleaned the insides of my sinus cavities. It also cleaned my tear ducts completely. I was able to sing angels into form by driving the visuals with the sound of my voice.
I was able to sing angels into form by driving the visuals with the sound of my voice.

The experience completely cleansed me on all levels. The next day I was able to breath better than I had been able to in years. I suffer from allergies and it seems all the crying had completely rinsed every duct and cavity in my head. I was never the same after this day. I am eternally grateful to the mushroom teachers for opening this door.

Exp Year: 1991ExpID: 101444
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 4, 2019Views: 909
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