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The Familiar Becomes Strange
Mushrooms & Methoxetamine
Citation:   tyrus568. "The Familiar Becomes Strange: An Experience with Mushrooms & Methoxetamine (exp101674)". Apr 25, 2017.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
  50 mg oral Methoxetamine (capsule)
    oral Caffeine (liquid)
    oral Pharms - Clonazepam  
    oral Kratom  
    smoked Cannabis  
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
A friend of mine named C had invited me to try mushrooms for the first time. I have had some experience with LSD and knew a bit about shrooms but he said they were very different. C has extensive experience with psychedelics and other substances, so I trusted his judgement when he suggested we go see the movie Gravity in 3D at the theater for my first experience. I looked forward to this and was quite excited.

It was a Saturday, and C didn't come over until the movie was about to start, so instead we decided to go to a later showing to give us more time to prepare. I had smoked a little marijuana that morning, but over five hours had passed since then. I had also used some kratom that morning, which also had faded by this time.

C had bad constipation from his extensive kratom use and almost decided not to do this. He started getting a bit nervous, because his stomach was a bit upset. I was excited, certain, and ready, with a rock-solid stomach. His upset stomach turned out to be a harbinger for his three days of Miralax to come to a head, and while we were sitting in the parking lot of the theater, he suddenly had to go very badly. Luckily, this was before we ate the shrooms.

So we drove to a Whataburger and he went inside for ten minutes. I dug around and got the shrooms out. I was very excited. The shrooms were in the form of chocolate bars, and he said that we would each eat a half of a bar and it was equivalent to 3.5g of mushrooms.

He came out and seemed much better and his stomach was mostly better - he apparently had a very intense evacuation, lol. We were very grateful that he got that over with before we had the shrooms. We went ahead and bought some Tums at the convenience store and each of us ate a couple. Finally, we drove back to the theater and sat in the parking lot, excited. He seemed a little nervous but was willing to go through with this.

I eagerly ate my chocolate bar. It tasted great, just like a Hershey's bar, and I couldn't see why he had warned me about how mushrooms might get stuck in my teeth or it might not taste good because I had no problem. Then C ate his and he also had a klonopin, although I declined as I didn't need it.

Then, C brought out two capsules of MXE, his favorite drug. Because I have had a high lifetime tolerance to DXM due to 20 years of extensive near-daily abuse, we weren't sure if the MXE would affect me, but I took the 50mg anyway, and so did he.

Almost immediately after eating the chocolate, I started to feel strange, and so we decided to go in immediately. I knew this was going to be something I would remember for a long, long time.

We bought our tickets, went inside, then had to stand in line while I waited to spend $5 on a single Coke (C had smuggled in one bottle of water for himself). He started getting agitated because of the long wait, but finally I ordered my Coke. The guy filling my Coke for me at the register seemed really cool, and I almost told him I was about to trip balls on shrooms but I resisted.

At this point, I was feeling strange, almost like a DXM type strange - very different from my experiences with LSD. We walked to the right screening entrance and went inside. We were hoping it would be mostly empty, but there were already about a dozen people inside and the movie didn't start for some time.

The strangeness continued to grow and intensify until it was overwhelming, but I tried to stay calm and I was excited and positive. I felt very grounded and ready for this to be an uplifting experience. As soon as some of the commercials started on the screen, the first major thing I noticed was that the faces of the people in the ads were twisted into almost demonic or very, very twisted patterns. This disturbed me a bit, but it was okay. I just released the anxiety and let the strangeness continue to grow.

It seemed to take forever for the commercials to end, and more people streamed in, until there were people all around us - perhaps 50 people in all. This bothered me a bit, but again I let it go.

Then C said he had to go to the bathroom again, so he walked out. I kept looking for him for the next 10-15 minutes, and finally he came back. I couldn't stop laughing as I asked him if he was okay. He seemed to be. I tried to suppress my laughter.

Then the preview for the movie 'Ender's Game' came on and it said to put on our 3D glasses, and with a deep breath I did so. Immediately things took a very strange turn. Everything was moving. There were scenes in the preview where there were lots of spaceships and detailed planets, and every single spot on these ships twisted and turned in strange eddies of reality. It was almost like I could see a 5th dimension behind everything and I could see how everything twisted back inside itself. I'd never seen anything like this, not on DXM or LSD.

C said later that the MXE had greatly intensified the effects. Both of us had trouble watching the screen 100% of the time, as it was very, very intense. For some reason, I had seen a 'cam' of Gravity the week it came out, something I never do, but that meant I knew what it would be like. C had never seen it. Of course, it was in 3D as well (but not IMAX, thankfully, I might have gone insane).

What can I say? The movie was so intense. I was able to focus and retain my ego for about the first half of the movie and follow everything that was going on, but then things began to disintegrate and I lost track of everything. The stimulation was way too much. I don't remember whole sections near the end that I knew I must have seen. By the time the movie was over, I was extremely overwhelmed and internalized, going through many mental thought patterns.

C and I stayed in our seats as everyone left, oblivious to the cleaning crew as they came in and asked us if we were early for the next movie. We ignored them and both of us seemed very sick and delirious, moaning and moving around but not leaving our seats. I would get up but then sit again. I had a strong urge to leave and felt almost repulsed.

I had these strange thoughts at the end. I kept thinking about how these were substances that I would never understand and I had a strong feeling like I was messing with things that I had absolutely no knowledge of, that I was way beyond my depth and would never be able to understand what had happened. It was glorious but at that point I was ready for it to end.
It was glorious but at that point I was ready for it to end.
I had a strong feeling that I wanted to go home, and to take something to numb myself from this or to make it stop. I kept thinking that the feelings I was having had to do about how millionaire rich kids spend things without earning them and how people do things without knowing what the consequences would be and how some things were irrevocable and how sometimes you couldn't go back. Sometimes you got lost and you stayed lost. I had feelings like old familiar places, things I had known my entire life, like where I grew up and my childhood friends and the streets near my house, I had the feeling that everything in my past had changed and that if I went back there I would be confused and everything would be different. I felt like everything was completely alien and I was lost in a different world. It was intense.

Finally we decided we had to go, as the movie was about to start again. The time dilation was immense; it felt like we'd been there for six or eight hours, but it had only been like less than 4.

As we walked out of the theater room into the hallway, I could see C was walked sideways in a very distinctive manner and found it hilarious. We were totally tripped out extremely hard and both of us wanted water and needed to go pee. I was looking for the restroom and a police officer was walking down the hallway towards me, so I asked him and he pointed to where it was. I just didn't really care that it was a cop - I had no anxiety at this point except for that confused dreadful feeling of being in way over my head, like I was drowning or lost in the woods, just a very strange and dislocated feeling.

I went into the bathroom and saw it was designed for one person only and there was a lock on the door and I sighed in relief. I locked the door and felt a bit more secure that I was able to completely separate myself from everyone and everything else. I didn't stay in there long, though, just peed and came back out. I didn't have any problem peeing, either, which is strange - I have bashful bladder problems that can be critical, but for some reason I had no anxiety about it at all and just peed, standing up even and with no hesitancy at all.

I came out and looked for C and it took about five or ten minutes to find him. We walked out and got back to where he had parked his Hummer. We got into the car and immediately both began talking full stream and making quite a bit of noise and we were both very agitated. he kept saying we could have been arrested, but I didn't think so. I just knew I needed something to calm down, or something, anything, so I asked him for a klonopin and he gave it to me. After about 10 minutes I began to calm, but I was very tripped out, as was he, and I began talking about all the feelings I had had about dislocation and old memories becoming strange and messing with things I wasn't prepared for - but he told me to stop saying all that stuff.

We sat in his Hummer and kept saying how thirsty we were, but there was no way he could drive as he was still tripping a lot. After about 30 minutes I had calmed greatly, sobered up, and felt like I wasn't tripping any more at all. This was at about 5 hours after we ate the chocolate. He said he was still tripping hard and didn't want to drive.

So we got out and walked across the huge parking lot to the Whataburger again, and both of us went in and peed. Again I had no problem and was even able to begin peeing with him in the same bathroom (I was in a stall of course but I usually cannot pee if there is anyone at all in the general vicinity). I haven't felt that much freedom from my bashful bladder in many years. In fact, I felt very liberated and free from anxiety and worry and depression. I felt very happy to be alive and elated. It had been a long, long time since I had had a day like this.

We went back to the Hummer and sat another ten minutes (he had taken a second klonopin) and then he said we were going to drive home. It was only about 3 or 4 miles, so it wasn't like it was very far, but we were both nervous and very aware of the danger. I helped watch out for him, but he drove fine and everything was okay.

I was really looking forward to going back to his place and having a couple of whippets, but he disappointed me by saying he was going to drop me off at my house instead. I really wanted a whippet but I didn't push. He said shrooms were very draining and we should both just go to our homes and relax. He said we could do whippets tomorrow (which we wound up not doing anyway as he wanted to take a day off of everything after that trip).

Anyway, I went home and faced my parents, who had no idea I had taken shrooms or MXE, but I was completely lucid, if really happy and carefree and I might have been walking funny but not so much that they noticed or cared I guess.

I went upstairs and immediately took some kratom, then grabbed some marijuana and went outside to the garage. I smoked a bowl of very high-grade marijuana and right away I felt myself begin tripping intensely. I closed my eyes and spent about an hour looking at very intense closed-eye visuals. Then I made myself go inside.

I sat at my computer without doing anything. Instead, I turned on music and meditated. I discovered I was definitely getting effects from the MXE, which I had never had before, as I could see what C had told me about it - I could see the music as individual elements that streamed through my vision (closed eyes) and I could make them interact and 'grab' a strand of music and combine it with others, and I'd get euphoria when they interacted. I spent about an hour doing this.

That was it. I began to get a headache, so I took some advil, drank some water, then ate a bunch of instant mashed potatoes and other stuff. Then I laid down and went to sleep.

Today (the next day), I woke up and felt like I was tripping, but just barely so. Then about 3 hours after I woke up, I walked to the store and smoked a bowl of the high-grade marijuana on the way, and I felt the tripping come on again. I spent the next eight hours with strong psychedelic feelings (no open eye hallucinations any more but definitely CEVs). My mood was blissful and I felt very free. Very free.

I sat at the Kroger and drew some of the weirdest drawings I have ever drawn. I tried to draw what it looked like on shrooms and... yeah,... the drawings were extremely weird. I also drew a section on what it looked like on MXE the night before - lots of intersecting lines and shooting stars all interacting together with bursts of color and light.

Would I do shrooms again? hell yes. Maybe not at a theater watching a movie like Gravity in 3D, well, maybe I would haha. But we came very close to overdoing it. I definitely will do it again, but probably in a more serene setting in nature with some seclusion and privacy. I can't believe I had been wanting to eat more than half of the chocolate bars before we started - I'm really glad I didn't, because the experience was... simply unforgettable.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101674
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Apr 25, 2017Views: 1,649
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Methoxetamine (527), Mushrooms (39) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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