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A Very Noticeable Calming Effect
Citation:   NickG. "A Very Noticeable Calming Effect: An Experience with Tea (exp102665)". Sep 20, 2018.

2-5 g oral Tea (tea)
L-Theanine in Green Tea

Short history: Cannabis user since 2006, daily smoker (now vaporizing) since 2007. Some alcohol use, I do not care for ethanol. One mild psilocybin trip, a few trips with S. Divinorum, and many attempts with herbal highs that left me wanting. Cigarette smoker from 2008 to 2012. Nothing else in the way of psychoactives.

I have found that caffeine does not affect me as far as I can tell. Perhaps physiologically, but I have yet to feel any caffeine buzz whatsoever, even after experiments with chugging multiple cups of coffee (sometimes before going to sleep) or Red Bull/Monster energy drinks, which is why I think it relevant that green tea has a very noticeable calming effect for me.

I believe this is due to the psychoactivity of L-Theanine, as I am a daily tea drinker and only feel this with green tea, but not Pu-erh, black, oolong or white teas. I find that as I am drinking green tea, especially high-quality sencha, about half-way through the first cup a strong relaxation comes over me and lasts through the second cup, after which the tea leaves are mostly spent. This calming effect is very consistent, albeit very mild, leading me to have long ago concluded that this is not a placebo effect. It tends to manifest as a sense of well-being and peacefulness, as though the tea reminds me to appreciate the little things and not rush to begin the day.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 102665
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Sep 20, 2018Views: 1,966
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Tea (447) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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