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Plants Telling Me to Leave
Mushrooms - P. semilanceata
Citation:   Zebmos. "Plants Telling Me to Leave: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (exp102997)". Feb 4, 2020.

  caps oral Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (tea)
Shroom Tea

I drunk the chilled shroom tea. It didn't taste that bad but drinking it was hard on an empty stomach. I drunk about 2/3rds of a bottle.

The mushrooms hit me very quickly and in an instant I went from very loud and talkative to a status state of wide mouth and eyes. I stumbled around a bit and I didn't feel the urge to go inside at all. I in fact felt very creative and wanted to stay outside. I started doing a sort of tribal troll dance, grunting primitively and stomping my feet going round in a circle. It became really rhythmic and enjoyable.

We went back down and my friend Alexander started grumbling about not feeling anything at all while I was, thinking I was peaking when I was in fact nowhere near the full intensity of the trip. There was a bottle on the grass, and I felt determined to pick it up with my shadow. I spent a while trying to do this as sometimes I thought I saw my shadows fingers curl round the bottle.

The Idea of being In general ambience, being In a foreign place and one or two supposed places of 'haven', a beacon or milestone with significant spiritual experience but a generally hostility to it, all these 'havens' are is peoples front porch lights. I remember noticing this tear In the sky (the moon) and thinking we are all trapped In this box and I could get out if only I could open up this tear and climb through. Because the moon was so white I thought If I got through I would be In a world of Infinite light. The only problem was I couldn't open the tear any more. Many times through out the trip I could see myself in a box, hardly containing my body when I was in fact in open air and the world felt like a canvas, painted on that I could simply tear through.

The only real things I was aware of were this bright tear and the light of a cottage say 100 meters away. Somehow I linked that if I could get to the cottage it would in some way help me open this tear, something about a hose to clear away the clouds I cant remember.

Crossing from where we were to the cottage seemed to take an eternity, it felt like crossing a desert, travelling through this void of darkness took a lot of mental effort. When I reached the cottage house with its light still on, I very carefully got to the front porch and for just a few seconds this place seemed perfect. This light in darkness had led me to a comfortable door mat and there were plants on the doorstep. For a few seconds I spoke to them and they seemed fine, but eventually they started telling me to go away. They spoke in a child's voice and there was no real tone. There was something quite frightening about these plants telling me to leave but eventually I left the front porch alone and wandered off again into the night.

Looking back on it I now realise I was trying to re-create something on that porch space; hanging on to a distant memory of happiness and content. All though I am not sure what the memory was, by leaving the porch which was hard, I let go of it and kept a good head space instead of just sitting there, desperately grasping on to a lost memory.

There was another house say 300m away, I felt like I was on some sort of quest and that this was simply the right place to go. There is not a single house there though. There is a house and say 3 or 4 barns that look like houses (modern roof etc.) and this place just seemed so... Perfect. There was a buzzing of an electrical light which I eventually perceived as a bar full of people, I knew I couldn't speak to them (part of me knew I'd get in trouble for opening peoples doors In the middle of the night) but there existence gave me comfort. I then saw a plant by the road that seemed different from the others, it seemed to glow a naturally innocent blue and it seemed very attractive. I bent down to look at it and started feeling one of the leaves. It was wet and felt great. I then realised I could in fact speak to the plant. I went through the entire fall in love and break up with a plant In about 5 seconds
I then realised I could in fact speak to the plant. I went through the entire fall in love and break up with a plant In about 5 seconds
, during which I felt some very intense emotions. Immediately after that I headed back to the cross roads to find my friend. I cannot remember much but I believe he was pretty normal at this point. Said he was definitely feeling something. If I stared at a tree it would turn blocky and low quality like. There was a single tree I could communicate but not the others. The ditch by the road seemed like a endless black hole. The plants in it seemed to be floating on nothing and looked somewhat sinister.

At this point my feeling of isolation and being on a different planet got uncomfortably large. Looking back at the cottage light it seemed horribly alien. One of the most fascinating parts of the entire experience was when I then looked at Inverness in the background, maybe 20 miles away, seeing this huge expanse of street lights and remembering that is symbolised so many people. Literally (for the first time in my life) something took my breath away, I spent a short amount of time simply gasping for air as I looked at the city from afar.

I remember hiding behind a bin when I saw a shadow with a gun pointing out of a window behind the curtain then felt quite scared, telling Alexander to get down before he gets shot. As he approached me he morphed into a large fat man that reminded me of a police man so I ran away, then shortly returned. By this time he seemed very quiet and didn't respond to my actions as much. If was seeing very obvious portals and warping of the world by this time.

At this point the mushrooms started to have a significantly larger effect. If I looked directly down at the road, I could see elevator type structures flying into the sky. They were covered in bright red and yellow lights. There was a large expanse of these elevators, all of which started below the ground. We went to sit on the road leading to a single farm, on a very steep slope and laid there for a while, at this point I peaked. In no specific order, time started to move extremely slowly, as in a second felt like five. I remarked this to Alexander who did not respond. If I looked at my iPod and put it close up to my face I felt like I could almost jump into the light. The stone background looked like a designer flat and very comfortable. At this point the universe seemed to explode. Flashing lights would zoom past and glow, tunnels of light would lead up to the sky. It was very enjoyable as somewhere I knew none of this was real.

I remember then looking back to the trees and seeing faces appear in the leaves that whispered inaudibly. When I looked at the grass, a lot of it would disappear and the remaining blades would increase in size, glow a brilliant blue and rotate into teeth like shape, making hissing noises while doing so. At this point (forgetting my friend) I decided to head back to his house. By the time I had got there I was starting to come down and it was not pleasant at all. It took a lot of mental and physical effort to climb back through his window but I did it making a relatively small amount of noise and without hurting myself. Climbing into his room was bliss. The instant musky heat was a huge difference to outside and it felt fantastic. I then suddenly remembered my friend and went back outside to go find him. At this point I was still getting some very obvious visuals, ie. plants sprouting from pitch black instead of soil and random mushroom like objects appearing where ever I stepped in the dozens but I could operate and see fine at this point. After searching quite a bit I decided to go back in as I needed rest. I then spent about 2 hours just sitting in bed simply laying there, not in any from of physical pain, but thinking was hard. At this point I decided I needed to go and find him.

Luckily he was just standing outside his garden by the gate, and had probably been there for a large amount of time. He was very unresponsive and all he could do was say “huh?” every 10 seconds, irrelevant to if I had actually said anything or not. I eventually got him inside without attracting attention and sat him down in his bed. He spent the next 2 hours simply crying, but after that he was fine.

[Reported dose: "80 caps", unclear if this was for the whole bottle, or the portion of the bottle that was consumed]

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 102997
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Feb 4, 2020Views: 1,000
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Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (90) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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