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A Night With Aliens
Mushrooms (edible)
Citation:   Kyashi. "A Night With Aliens: An Experience with Mushrooms (edible) (exp103940)". Jul 31, 2019.

1 g oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
I apologize for how short this is. I tried very hard to focus and remember to update my notes. I feel the experience is important however.


Start time, 7:45pm.
1g powder from mushrooms in chocolate. Empty stomach.

7:45 pm
Finish eating gram shroom chocolate and start Aliens. I have seen this movie many times and consider it a favorite of mine.

7:53 pm
Starting to feel numb, I can feel the chocolate in my stomach. I am trying not to think of what is to come.

8:08 pm
Numbness turned to tingling, I can't pinpoint where its coming from but it feels like its coming from my center.

First yawn
I am very happy
And warm

No visual aspects yet but I have a full body feeling. I'm heavy. I want to smile. I need to cuddle. I have a blanket and have wrapped myself up and feel like its okay if I never move from this spot.

I feel my heart in my chest. Its being normal. I just feel it. Things in the movie are starting to get weird, every bodies eyes look large. They look like they are staring right into me.

I feel almost normal, no more visual aspects.

Its like something is massaging my whole body. I don't want it to stop. I have this warm and fuzzy feeling at the nape of my neck. I can't stop smiling. I'm into this movie and finding things funnier than they are. Very strong feelings of feeling light and heavy at the same time.

I find myself wanting to think. I want to close my eyes and think. But I'm also okay with waiting. The movie is close to being over and I'm okay with that. I keep wanting to cry knowing that the characters are going through hell, just to die. Even Ripley will die in the next movie. I want to reach out and hug them.

I'm at the acceptance stage of the trip. I just accepted all that is wrong with life and now I'm moving on. I did make a connection though. This is just like meditating. The only difference is I am able to feel this way without sitting still in silence, I achieve this same feeling when I meditate.
I achieve this same feeling when I meditate.
I'm okay with never tripping again because I know I can reach this peacefully feeling through meditation. Tripping is like a personal intense meditation.

I just feel like I want to hug the world and kiss it and thank it. Really. I'm sitting inside watching Aliens but my mind is outside wrapping my arms around the planet thanking it and cuddling. I am now wrapped in the same blanket as my boyfriend, who is also tripping. I feel like we need to be closer. To somehow be one.

I find myself very very very happy. Nothing could change that. I am still warm and all I will ever need is right here.

More active. Watching Avatar. Got a Popsicle. Its stabilizing my feelings. It tastes weird but good at the same time. I want another but I am okay with having just this one.

Things are back to normal. I'm very warm but totally in control. I'm very warm and starting to feel my head. I'm going to chug some water.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 103940
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jul 31, 2019Views: 598
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Mushrooms (39) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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