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Non-Christian Atheist Has Divine Visit
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   BudFarmer. "Non-Christian Atheist Has Divine Visit: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp104121)". Oct 3, 2021.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (tea)
I've only tripped several times, before, started with 1g dried, tried 2.8g dried but had to abort due to overheating (letters started spinning on my phone - 10mg diazepam!) and a more successful 3.0g trip. I've also done Ayahuasca and LSD several times. But low doses.

I've done my research and after obtaining several grams of Psilocybe Cubensis (Amazonian PES strain). I had planned for me and my friend B to have an experience indoors after midnight. She had approximately 1.84g dried which I thought was a nice in between for a relative newcomer. We made a tea as per the many methods, and ensured the remaining water was enough for one cup. Drinking shrooms in a tea definitely seems the best way as it doesn't taste so bad.

So it was 00:30AM and I'd knocked back my tea while encouraging my friend B to finish hers too so she is not too much behind me (!). She had sat for me before but she had decided to join me this time.

As always, I am reverent and careful at this stage to try to remain a calm mind in anticipation of the very much unpredictable effects of what I knew was about to happen. I was excited and we both lay down holding hands reassuring each other, excited about the experience.

The shrooms were starting to take effect. Unusually of me this time I had nausea and got up to relieve myself, while at the back of my mind feeling conscious about how B might feel about me kind of dry heaving on her carpet.

Suffice to say I didn't feel as well as I did on somewhat slightly lower doses, although I do believe this was mainly due to anxiety - nevertheless anxiety or not I did not feel brilliant, although looking back it may have been a slight self-defense.

This trip was different to the rest - in character and style, this was probably (albeit only 3.5g) my strongest dose. I hope in the future each time I might do this that I become more comfortable with the shift and can see already that that has happened to even have this experience.

Whenever I read others reports, I sometimes notice the lack of the substance about the experience, so here goes at trying to explain it. There was a neon overlay across almost everything, a bit like Lawnmower man/The matrix, the colours are beyond that I can perceive in 'normal' reality. There is a sense that my body is a different shape to that which it would normally take and I found myself feeling all over me to reassure myself my body was still there. Different parts of my body felt unusually hard, or soft compared to normal which certainly wasn't re-assuring but something I'm not entirely unfamiliar with.

My friend B was worried that I wasn't well and said do you want to abort, I was quite happy to, so I tried a little bit of Diazepam, but I couldn't hold it down hehehe, it was as if I was meant to have this experience....

I guess in my mind right now I felt as if I wasn't sure I was coming or going. When I looked at the clock, 5 seconds were passing when there should have been just one, it was whizzing, wow I thought, this left me with the impressions that as I had been 70% believing before, I'm now almost certain that there are extra dimensions and that this mere reality we live in everyday is just a snippet of what is out there - meaning - everything I thought was not possible, it really, well could be ;-)

After feeling unwell, and not keeping down any amount of Diazepam I knew I had to ride it out. I'd like to point out that as somewhat uneasy this may seem, it was not an 'unpleasant' experience as such - I think more coping with anxiety than actually anything bad coming of me - and I am an on edge person anyway and I hope that these experiences help me to further resolve this.

I'm not religious, but through the course of the last few years, an interest in the universe, which led me to quantum physics, which led me to the bigger questions which can only be answered from inside, such as, if I am unconscious does the universe I perceive still exist? There's little way to prove this via reading books and watching YouTube videos but certainly the common belief I previously had of the world is external myself was and still is more than challenged ;-)

So I've become 'spiritual' and more open minded down to research, asking myself questions, and then of course the natural follow up of psychedelics. I had come to some form of vague conclusion that there is a universal consciousness, and all the possible theories that come with that way of thinking. But this one has left me with many more questions....

As the clock was spinning the room was sparkling, almost like everything was charged with electromagnetic energy that I could actually see I was still not feeling 100% the clock was moving at various speeds, I was fluttering in between this 'dimension' and somewhere else....

Then in the midst of this 'divine sparkle' I felt above (where there should have been a ceiling and a flat) there was an opening towards another dimension. And a chariot was there, a grand one, with all sorts of creatures milling around the chariot. The sparkles were everywhere the flat was lit up in a way I cannot describe. Was this the Christian god? Was it Zeus? I'm still not sure, but this was divine for sure!!! I repeated my meditation mantra of Om Mani Padme Hum to calm me where possible.

During my encounter with this divine chariot and mighty supercharged sparkling electromagnetic energy, while the clock was spinning and some god or god from another dimension was right above me in a vortex to some other dimension - I felt the power, I was at my mercy to this divinity. This was beyond gold, or anything I could possibly imagine this was divine, sparkling light everywhere. It was as if the entity/god/Zeus or some other divine being almost asked me do you want to come, I basically communicated no, and was in many ways brought to my knees by this power.

I was almost indirectly asked to have more humility in my life and this brought to light some flaws in my personality where I was aware of the flaws, but was not in denial, but not making much change towards rectifying them. But, I could not determine the intent of this being, good or bad. I did not feel loved, I didn't expect it either, but this entity was so powerful.

Briefly afterwards the divine part subsided and I began to feel somewhat normal again, the clock was still spinning and after having some of my life force return/anxiety subside I began to sing my song....

My name is........and this is my song!! I try my best, to remain strong, but sometimes I could try harder!! Haha!! I felt so happy, B laughed at my attempt to sing and I enjoyed the pretty visuals and the rest of my trip.

As usual this does fit the pattern of purification/purging/cleansing to be rewarded with bliss at the end.

Was all that in my what a question, I'm definitely leaning towards that it was not......I'm not Christian for starters.....

But the questions I'm left with to reintegrate.....


1) Was that the Christian God?

2) If so does he not love as the Christians say, or is that because a being on our level cannot comprehend his love?

3) Would he really be there to help us?

4) Whats in the other dimension?

5) Whats in the other dimension?

I'm writing this after having a good sleep at sort of 6AM and waking up at 2PM as usual slightly exhausted but completely enthralled at what happened!!

Was it unpleasant, at parts yes, do I regret it no way!!! They say what does not kill you makes you stronger......I'm not sure that sums it up, but you could live your life and die tomorrow, never having that or other psychedelic experiences.....being careful of course, but you don't grow if you don't step out of your box, into the unknown. And I'd prefer to grow than stay in my box, whats the point of being here otherwise?!

And btw, I still don't define myself by any religion, but may take it upon myself to read the bible as much as I'm versed against it, some say the Kabbala is a book of physics that correlates with modern day findings in Quantum Physics, how we have all been deceived! Saturn the master of lord and time! When I do read the bible I'm going to interpret sin as time, rather than a bad moralistic act and see how this interpretation of the bible might deliver a certain message!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104121
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Oct 3, 2021Views: 476
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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