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The Taste Experience of a Lifetime
Miracle Berry
Citation:   Miracleberries. "The Taste Experience of a Lifetime: An Experience with Miracle Berry (exp104125)". Aug 22, 2018.

  oral Miracle Berry (pill / tablet)
White Pill Christmas

I'll keep it brief as this is a rather simple substance.

It was Christmas, naturally accompanying Christmas came stockings, presents, family time and whatever it takes to enhance or get through that experience. My brother's gift to us was the taste experience of a lifetime.

After popping a pill or two and allowing it to dissolve onto the tongue we all excitedly set about gathering whatever it was we felt like trying. Lemons were sweet and edible, vinegar was sweet and drinkable and strawberries were simply magnificent.

It didn't add any kind of synthetic or unnatural tastes to the experience, it was not long lasting but the memory will be.
As far as I am aware one can procure it through the internet with absolutely no legal qualms.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 104125
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 22, 2018Views: 1,536
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