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Taken to Heaven and Shown the Throne of God
Ayahuasca (P. viridis)
by PTT4
Citation:   PTT4. "Taken to Heaven and Shown the Throne of God: An Experience with Ayahuasca (P. viridis) (exp104911)". Nov 9, 2017.

1 tsp oral Ayahuasca (tea)
  1 cup oral Psychotria viridis (tea)
I have read so much about ahayausca and read the book the spirit molecule by Dr. Strassman about a year ago and had been very curious to try Ayahausca. I have never tried any thing in my life, has never smoked or tried any recreational drug. I bought the Aya brew online 6 months ago psychotria viridis leaves but have been afraid to try it. Last week I decided to try it. So I boiled the P. Viridis leaves on a stove for about an hour, enough for a cup of tea.

I first took a quarter of a teaspoon of the aya brew and it was soo pungent that I almost threw up right away. So I put it away. I decided to go for it again a few minutes later and took a teaspoon while the p. Viridis was still on the stove. I thought to myself, its such a low dose I just wanted to have a taste since I have it in my pantry for this long while and afraid. I then layed on my couch watching a biblical sermons on a christian channel for about 30 minutes and during that time, I drank the prepared tea. I went upstairs to bed at about 10 pm. I decided to listen to a deep meditation brain wave Cd on youtube to help me sleep. In about 15 minutes into meditation, things suddenly changed, I started seeing lights and patterns to colors. I said to my self, it is working and I tried to awaken to experience what was going on.

I saw beautiful arrays of colors, changing to a forage of mechanical parts movements like the machinery of a watch but of vast expand. Next I was taken to the dark side and felt like I was in the presence of strange reptilian beings. Had some dialogue which I did not recall as I was focusing on what I want to experience as oppose to letting the aya taking the lead. I consciously called for divine protection and asking for angelic protection. I then called on Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel to protect me and my body as I felt like I had no control of my body. My hands and legs started moving involuntarily and I felt like some force was trying to take over my body.

I called on Jesus and the crawling presence just disappeared. Then something very enigmatic happened, I was taken to higher realms and was taken to heaven and shown the throne of God, and while expecting to see God, I was presented to the Lamb sitting on the throne and was told that the Lamb is the symbol of the holy spirit and is Jesus Christ. That in his presence, all powers shall bow. Its was a lengthy experience that I can't narrate all here. At some point my body was extremely agitated and restless such that my wife unaware of what I was experiencing tried to wake me up. I started going through this periodic trance-like states whereby I will take very deep and long breath and go into a trance and then started transmitting messages. Just to share with you some of the messages, I was shown a clock and told that time was created so mankind can related to God and all of creation.
I was shown a clock and told that time was created so mankind can related to God and all of creation.
Without time, nothing exists. That time is the foundation of creation. Then I was told that all challenges in life is due to the struggle between two forces, that of of love and of darkness. Unconditional love is like the love between a mother and her newborn child.

I was shown many things and my wife is still stunned by what I told her that night. I felt so nauseous but no urge to throw up. I became conscious of my entire home and could feel all the kids in their respective room. I felt soo much love that tears was running down my eyes. I tried waking up and opened my eyes and I felt like some other entity was looking through my eyes, everything was hazy and pristine, like a mirage. I got up and walked to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror, checked my pupils for any dilation and it was ok. Everything looked strange and hazy. I then dangled back to my bed, and when I checked the clock, it was only 2 am. I wondered, all of that experience over a three hour period? I tried going to sleep and I kept going through the trance-like states and having dreams of revelation about my future. When I woke up that morning, it was like the energy vibration of the house was so elevated, my dog rushed to the room to lick my legs, all my kids came and gave me a hug while I was in bed to wish me good morning as if they were welcoming me from me from a journey.

That was my first and only experience. Maybe next time.

Hope you are blessed.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104911
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Nov 9, 2017Views: 2,302
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Psychotria viridis (170), Ayahuasca (8) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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