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Put Some on a Spoon, and Snorted Away
by Ira
Citation:   Ira. "Put Some on a Spoon, and Snorted Away: An Experience with Cacao (exp105146)". May 27, 2021.

T+ 0:00
20 mg insufflated Cacao
  T+ 1:40   oral Tea
Experienced Cacao User

Just recently I just read about snorting chocolate on the news so having gone through a love experience of getting mildly high on eating cacao beans, drinking the powder I decided to snort it instead.

At first it seems counter intuitive - it melts at 38 degrees and is easy to ruin by just putting your fingers into the powder. So I put some on a spoon, and snorted away. The effects were not immediate until later say around 15mins.

5mins - slight shakiness of the CNS
10mins - calming
15mins - blissful euphoria lasts for like five mins. Just as intense as a morphine high. (Anandamide?)
20mins - euphoria dies off and feeling stimulated yet calm. A bit of a theobromine buzz in the head.
30mins - nose starting to clear up. Heart beating a bit faster than normal.
35mins - buzz still there. Boy it's a feel good buzz. So totally unlike caffeine.
40mins - pulsating sensations around the head beating with the heart. Feels groovy.
45mins - bowels feeling relaxed.
50mins - Feeling slightly stoned.
1hr 30mins - Less of a buzz but still there.

1hr 40mins - drank some green tea. The act of drinking is more pleasurable than usual. Yawning feels different too can feel the tensions loosen down my spine. Extremely satisfying.

2hr - the whole experience makes me feel like I'm in a feel good bubble in my heart, very similar to what I get on morphine but with a much more stimulating quality.

3hr - still going. Heart not beating as fast compared to the beginning. Feeling very creative yet calm and relaxed.

4hr - coming down a bit.

All in all it's a damn good legal high. FYI I've tried it with coffee. Makes those caffeine jitters too intense.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105146
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 27, 2021Views: 1,541
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Cacao (638) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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