Linear Mind Wants To Know
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Deavers. "Linear Mind Wants To Know: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp106125)". May 20, 2020.

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5 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
  3 hits smoked Yarrow  
Linear Mind Wants To Know

5g of Psilocybin mushroom (Golden Teacher) ingested orally & a 3 hits of smoked Yarrow. Beautiful spring afternoon on a beautiful ledge overlooking lake Vesuvius in Ohio.

A voice kept repeating “Linear mind wants to know.” To which I responded, “Yes, it does.” To which the voice responded “Linear mind is not going to like this.” Thus began an epic trip/learning session. (All notes were impressions given, unless otherwise noted.)

All of this, is Us trying to see Ourselves, upward movement of layered foundations – particles, matter, bacteria, fungi, microorganisms, animals, humans, one supporting the next, pyramidal in shape, humans the tip of the sphere within this particular ‘tree.’ There are many ‘trees,’ many galaxies/solar systems/planets all layering themselves, producing unique trees that too are exploring and searching for more light. Purpose is to seek more light, to see in new ways, what it is that We/Us (some sort of big mind) are becoming. If something is preventing light from reaching you, remove it or otherwise move your part to wherever there is light. There are many eyes/branches on our particular tree that see, and each sees in many unique and various ways. Balance in all aspects of life creates clear vision. There is no I, just We. Like a large sheet with different shapes protruding from beneath. Different forms, but same sheet.

Broken Branch
Part of the We, has forgotten and become a broken/diseased branch, it no longer searches for more light. It is the curse of disconnected civilization. Broken branch must fall, or could take down entire tree. A broken branch is a disconnected branch. To exist within this branch is to forget, and be consumed with things that maintain this forgetfulness – TV, noise, money, Plato’s caves, medication, agriculture, shoes, governments and laws that make Us illegal. The way to recognize a broken branch is to ask, “What does it create? Is it beautiful or is it destructive?” Thoughts go to all the suffering of plants – monocultures, lawns, fields, cities. Thoughts go to all the suffering of humans – of the infinite mess and pain that so many of Us are born into. A clear voice states, “That is the price we must pay.” There is a price to be paid in searching for more light. Sometimes trees don’t make it, sometimes the process fails, and sometimes it is just the branch that doesn’t make it. Broken branches have a purpose. They help the whole see/understand what doesn’t work, what isn’t beautiful.

Out of Balance
Disconnected branch views everything as an ‘other.’ The sun with all its life giving and healing properties is ‘blocked’ and ‘screened’ with chemical sunscreens and sunblock. Earth is mediated by rubber soled shoes. Insects are viewed as harmful, and thus swatted and sprayed. We no longer let insects bite or sting us because they are viewed as an enemy and repelled from us by the use of bug repellant. At this point to my amazement, a physical cricket/grasshopper jumped onto my hand and began to bite me. A very clear voice said, “Do not swat, we are trying to help.” It gnawed on my finger for around 5 minutes, producing a bloody wound the size of an apple seed. Extremely painful. Again a very clear voice responds, “Pain demands to be felt. You are so fearful of pain.” Everything is here to help us, to heal us, to help us remember. So let the insects bite and sting, do not prevent their healing medicines, they are trying to create balance. Walk barefoot often, and lay on the earth. Let the sun touch your skin, stare into the rising or setting sun with eyes shut. To not appreciate these balancing forces is to suffer; allergies, autoimmune deficiencies, cancer… Stop eating food from broken branch. This upward movement of layered foundations provides everything you need. A growing and balanced tree provides growing and balanced food. A dead and dying branch provides dead and dying food. There is food all around you. Food from a broken branch will make you forget.

Help Us Remember
Be wise as a serpent when trying to help the lost parts of Us remember, otherwise they will not hear you. Do not attach money to helping the lost parts of Us remember. To do so will start to disease a growing branch. There are many different eyes/branches that are trying to help us remember; entheogens, dreams, gifts, books, music, ancient wisdom, perma farms, karma… When we suffer it is the whole trying to help the parts remember, often called karma. People go to religious organizations, go camping, hiking, meditate, and enjoy nature… – because something deep within them knows they are disconnected from something. They are trying to remember. Be patient with them and find ways to help them remember.

Our Purpose
Our purpose is to search for more light, and help disconnected parts remember. It is for parents to help their children put their energy not into a dying branch, but into a branch that is absorbing light. It is to experience and describe this process in different ways, through different eyes, discovering harmonious/balanced ways to be human and expand our modes of perception.

More Levels
Each previous trip was there to give you something for the next leg of the journey. (* Note - A previous trip was somehow completely silent, with only a strong conviction that there was much inner work that needed to be done before new levels could be explored. It was as if it was telling me that I was only interested in the easy way.) Life is a spiral, learn from each experience, take time to apply this learning, and then repeat. Grow and never stop growing. The light of understanding is infinite.

As I’m (and the word “I” now seems comical) coming down off the trip, a distinct voice says over and over, “Linear minds need to remember. Linear minds need to remember.”

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106125
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: May 20, 2020Views: 42
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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