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Trip of a Lifetime
Citation:   mushhyspore. "Trip of a Lifetime: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp106886)". May 13, 2021.

  oral Mushrooms (tea)
A while ago my friends and I threw a telli for a few nights. I brought 1/4 of mushrooms and lots of tea. I’ve eaten mushrooms on a few occasions previously but I’ve always taken them in moderate doses. This time I decided to take more than I usually take, about 2 full large mushrooms and a cap (these were gold caps). I heated the water first and slipped the mushrooms in the teabag and when the water was done I brewed the magic tea and let it sit for a bit. I was pretty excited, I love mushrooms and have had very good experiences. My friends were pretty comfortable with shrooms, this was the perfect place with the right people. I was happy and ready to go.

About 30 minutes after drinking half my tea I felt the high coming on. It started getting hot and I felt a little nauseous. But other than that I felt happy, even giggly. I busted out the coloring books and went crazy. I took a few more big gulps and realized I was on another level than my friends. They wanted to explore the hotel and visit the gym. I was feeling uncomfortable about being around other people at this point so I stayed behind in the room. I walked into the bathroom and looked at the bathroom tiles. They were so beautiful, changing colors. They turned pink to orange to yellow and back to orange again. When I take mushrooms I see the same colors, mostly pink and orange. Maybe yellow sometimes. Anyways, back to the trip. I climbed into the bathtub to get a better view. I realized it would be much better with popcorn so I grabbed a bag and got back to the bathtub.

I don’t know how long I sat there staring at the tiles. My sense of time was completely off and I don’t remember when my friends left or how long they were gone for. After staring at the tile for who knows how long it started to shift. More like flow actually. The grout in between the tiles looked like snake. The game snake, it wasn’t an actual snake. It was a line that darted in between the tiles. It slinked to the right then made a sharp left to go up then darted right. Except the snake didn’t get longer it stayed the same length and wasn’t trying to eat anything, it just slinked back and forth between the tiles. Eventually the snake faded and smoke started emerging. It looked like smoke I guess because I don’t know how else to describe it, it was twisting and twirling the way that smoke does but it was so intricate and formed patterns. It floated towards me and engulfed me in its embrace. Eventually my friends walked in, saw me in the bathtub and hopped in. We sat in the tub, ate popcorn and laughed until we cried. I was pretty happy just sitting there in the bathtub with the ones I love, eating popcorn. I felt connected. To the world. I don’t know if that sounds weird but I just felt right. I felt like myself. I felt connected to everyone. I felt so happy at that moment.

I've had problems with anxiety and panic attacks for a while, I’d say for a few years, along with depression. When I ate mushrooms all that melted away. It made me feel alive and connected to everyone and everything. Mushrooms have always had a profound effect on me. A deeply spiritual and personal experience. Every experience I’ve had on shrooms I always cried, not flat out bawling but a few tears always manage to trickle down. Tears of joy. This was the best experience I’ve had so far.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 106886
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 13, 2021Views: 559
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Mushrooms (39) : Depression (15), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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