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Preventing Bad Mood on Pot
Cannabis, Syrian Rue & Green Tea
Citation:   deedee. "Preventing Bad Mood on Pot: An Experience with Cannabis, Syrian Rue & Green Tea (exp107081)". Sep 28, 2021.

  smoked Cannabis
    smoked Tea
    smoked Syrian Rue
  1 cup oral Coffee
After reading the consumption of cannabis may have preventive effects against cancer, I gave up not smoking cannabis after a few years. But sometimes cannabis amplifies bad mood, fear and panic, which I don't enjoy. So I started experimenting.

So far it seems, this is a nice mix that causes euphoria, comfiness and a nice tummy feeling of warmth, hard to describe other than with 'physical euphory'. The mix was:

Small joint mainly consisting of hemp leaves (no tabacco) of good THC level, a half a knifetip of ground syrian rue and half a knifetip of green tea sprinkled in. Additionally a nice cup of coffee with milk and a little sugar.

As far as I see, I had no bad feelings or panic with this mixture. Although, it makes me a bit lazy, dreamy and don't forget the syrian rue is a MAOI, so be careful with certain foods. I ground the rue in my electrical coffee mill on the espresso setting, works well.

Inhaling and keep it in my lungs a long time is easier when I do some hyperventilation with clean air just immediately before inhaling the smoke.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107081
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 47
Published: Sep 28, 2021Views: 725
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Cannabis (1), Syrian Rue (45), Tea (447) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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