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Wishing You All the Love Your Heart Can Hold
Citation:   delicatemind. "Wishing You All the Love Your Heart Can Hold: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (exp107373)". Oct 19, 2018.

T+ 0:00
100 ug oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 2 g oral Tea (extract)
  T+ 2:45 150 mg oral MDMA  
This was my first time 'candyflipping.' I first took 100ug of LSD at 7pm along with 2000mg of green tea extract and about 500mg of magnesium chlorate. I had take this blotter a few times before and found the dosage to be below the visual range but substantial to induce deep mental thought patterns and meditative breathing.

My wife and I chatted together for about an hour. I played a game of chess online and felt a sense of spaciousness.

At 9pm my wife drove us to our night out. We danced a little drinking cranberry juice and green tea and eating bananas. I enjoyed conversation and reading a small part of 'war of the worlds.'

At about 10.45 I ingested 150mg of MDMA. By about 11.30 the effects started to come together. A prior MDMA experience I found dancing to be very repetitive and devotional, where now there was the same spiritual experience but more freedom of movement, also my body clock seems to slow down and become very fluid.

Later I played some music, drums and guitar, unusual time signatures such as 5/4 and 7/8 felt very natural and I felt I had a great aptitude to listen to others to really want to empathize with them as human beings.

By about 2am I was sitting down and feeling very open. I had the constant need to hold everybody's hand when they wanted to leave I understood, but instantly asked someone else to hold me hand or little finger.
I had the constant need to hold everybody's hand when they wanted to leave I understood, but instantly asked someone else to hold me hand or little finger.
I had no sexual desire and felt my mental age had diminished to about a 7 year olds. People felt like parents to me. I listened to their advice and life stories in earnest. I was very fortune to be in such a loving environment and managed to experience such a loving and fulfilling experience through the night.

At no point did I want to be alone, it reminded of when I was a child and I could not settle to sleep, or when I was a young teen and was so afraid of being alone. But tapping back into this experience in this environment the love I had always sought I had found through the magical setting. In regards to my mindset I have often approach LSD from either a mantra-like devotional space or from a 'clockwork orange ' type of psychological rehabilitation space. I tried to delve into any addictions or issues I had but instead found that love was curing all I needed.

The comedown was non existent in fact the delicate nature that was present after the cracking of the cosmic shell of the roll was very enjoyable, I found myself enjoying the freedom of cosmic time. I have made at least 3 new friends which I intend to develop and feel a lot less burden by financial worries.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107373
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Oct 19, 2018Views: 865
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LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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