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I Could Not Stop Dancing
LSD & Mushrooms
by Obi
Citation:   Obi. "I Could Not Stop Dancing: An Experience with LSD & Mushrooms (exp107470)". Oct 8, 2022.

T+ 0:00
6 hits oral LSD (edible / food)
  T+ 1:00 7 g oral Mushrooms  
  T+ 1:30 7 g oral Mushrooms  
To Heaven Hell and Back

Around 5:30 I took 6 hits of liquid acid on altoids. I waited around 45 minutes for it to kick in as I had never mixed LSD and shrooms before but have taken both separately a number of times. Once it kicked in I gave it another 15 minutes to be sure I had peaked before eating any shrooms.

At about 6:30 I ate a 1/4oz of shrooms, but at 7:00 I felt the acid level out so I ate another 1/4oz of shrooms. By 7:30 I could feel the shrooms kick in. It was much more of a gradual onset than I’ve ever had. Everything just became brighter and more colorful as well as causing the acid to feel smoother and less chaotic.

My girlfriend came to pick me up for a Getter and Fox Stevenson concert around 8:00. At this time I was feeling fantastic. I was very emotional in a positive way, as well as just extremely content. We parked at about 9:00 and got to the concert at 9:15. I was feeling slightly paranoid as we went through the line. As soon as I was through the door however I remember telling myself despite how out of it I was that other people were fucked up too and I just needed to let go and have a good time. I went to the bathroom and came back out to meet my girlfriend where we walked to the bar. Then it hit me!

The music took over control of my body and I could not stop dancing. I had my wallet in one hand and was somehow able to one handed pull both my credit card and ID out of it while flipping them in and out of the groves of my fingers like I was juggling with one hand. My girlfriend asked how I was doing that. I told her “I don’t know but I can’t stop.” She then took them from me to make sure I didn’t lose them. As soon as she did the rest of my body began to move uncontrollably with the music and the colors began to intensify like crazy. I was dancing and moving in ways I never had before. Everyone around me was noticing me saying things like “holy shit, check this dude out, he’s fucking killing it” I was somehow aware of every note and could predict the beat like I wrote the songs. I could feel the music flowing through my body as well as controlling the visuals.

The more I danced the more intense it all was. I then made my way to the center of the crowd and began to dance like crazy. I noticed a circle form around me and someone with a huge camera made his way through the crowd and began filming me. (Man I wish I could get that video) I started to completely let go and when I closed my eyes waves of color was all I could see. I could feel both the music and the color flowing around my body. It felt like I was swimming in a sea of euphoria and color. At one point I felt like I could just dive into it and disappear forever. I remember thinking I was going to die and just be in that space forever.

This is where things went wrong. I dove backwards slamming my head in the concrete floor, thinking I was going to dive into the trip and live there forever. Someone picked me up and I went back to dancing right before security grabbed me and kicked me out. I danced the whole way to the door as they cut off my wristband and pushed me out of the club. It was then as I could no longer hear the music that the intensity of the trip began to fade and reality began to set in. I had lost all track of time inside. I felt like I was there for only a few minutes but it had been 3 hours. I got kicked out at 12:00 and had no idea why. Things came to me later but at that time I remember walking around the street seeing helicopters and police vans, thinking they were all there for me. I thought I had done something really bad and was going to jail for life. I walked around the block thinking they were just watching me and waiting to arrest me. I walked to the front of the club where some officers were and leaned on the rail with some other people who had been kicked out. It was now about 12:30 and this whole time I thought I was supposed to be standing there waiting to be arrested. Then one officer told me I needed to call a cab or something. I replied “oh am I not arrested” he said if I was I would be in handcuffs. I immediately left and reached in my pocket to call my girlfriend and realized I had lost my phone.

I spent the rest of the night wondering around trying to figure out how to contact her. At 2:00 the concert ended and I saw her and the group of friends we came with coming out of the club. She thought I was still in the crowd dancing as I never made it to the private table the group had rented. Now that I was back with my friends the positive feelings started to come back and I began to recollect all the events of the night. We made it to a dinner at about 2:30 grabbed some food and headed home. The whole ride home again I just felt like dancing. It was definitely nothing like at the concert but I was once again in a great mood. We got home a little after 3:00 and I watched Interstellar until I fell asleep at about 4:00.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107470
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Oct 8, 2022Views: 286
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LSD (2), Mushrooms (39) : Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), Club / Bar (25)

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