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Too Many Shrooms!
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   liquidhavoc. "Too Many Shrooms!: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp10786)". Aug 5, 2019.

7 - 8 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
The first time I took mystical fungus was before a lords of acid concert. I had no idea about dosage and I took between 7 and 8 grams dried PF strain. These were picked relativly young.

After about 70 minutes the concert was about to start and I felt like my inner ear was going to explode. No visuals until this point. I was walking up the stairs of the arena and as my foot touched the top step a multitude of color shot from beneath my foot and covered the floor, walls and ceiling.

As the concert goers walked by it looked as if they were walking on jello. I turned to my best friend who was with me at the time and said that I really needed to go sit in the car because I was being overstimulated.
I really needed to go sit in the car because I was being overstimulated.
As he told me not to go his smile stretched out across his face and his eye-brows began to slither and sizzle.

I managed to make it out to the car where I locked the doors, climbed into the back seat and assumed the fetal position. The cement wall just outside the car door began to manifest small colorful candies shortly before faces that looked as if they were trapped under a thin sheet of latex protruded out at me. The laces on my boots began to animate as if they were snakes. A soda bottle began to twist and contort as if it were a barber pole. My cargo jeans began to flash tribal tiger strip patterns that moved across my body.

I admit that I was scared! I tried to close my eyes but the only way that I can explain what would happen is that these bright loud screaming colors of yellow and orange would attack me. The blue interior of the vehicle became moving blue reptile skin. Out in the distance I cold see a large green tree where devils and angels were fighting a holy war that I did not understand.

I suddenly felt as if my consciousness shrank into a dot that floated inside my cavernous body and the passers by would echo as if I was deep in a cave. I could not move.

Some other mild hallucinations occured but I finally came down and realized that I took way to many shrooms. They taught me a fearful lesson that I will never forget. They showed me things about myself that I did not know. The strange thing about these mushies was that when I came down I was very clear headed not like any other drugs 'retardation factor'.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 10786
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 5, 2019Views: 807
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Mushrooms (39) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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