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An Otherworldly Being
Calea zacatechichi, Meditation & DMT
by TF
Citation:   TF. "An Otherworldly Being: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi, Meditation & DMT (exp107947)". Jul 15, 2019.

3 g oral Calea zacatechichi (capsule)
    vaporized DMT  
I had some Calea Z. A few years back that I was using for the purpose of lucid dreaming. I'd never take more than 1 at a time, always before I went to sleep. It worked sometimes, sometimes it didn't. There were 28 pills, each of them containing a gram, so I ate approximately an ounce of this stuff over the course of a year or so. I thought these were long gone.

I was cleaning a few weeks ago and found the bag in a junk drawer, containing 3 more capsules. I threw them next to my bed to save for the right time.

So yesterday, I decided to eat all 3 grams around noon. I work third shift so I sleep in the day. Now before when I used these, I only ever took 1 at a time.

About 15 minutes after eating these, I begin to notice a very slight psychedelic effect. I remember I had some DMT stashed away, so I decided to see how they'd mix. I packed my pipe, placing the DMT on a beat bowl. I did a chakra meditation for about 15 minutes. My mind was clear, so I slowly took the pipe and held the flame above the DMT, as to vaporize it and not directly touch. I know that this is not the best method of consuming this substance, but I had nothing else around to smoke it out of.

I've blasted off before, but nothing was like this. I wouldn't even really call this a blast off...more along the lines of a 'break through'.

First thing, I was completely overwhelmed with the DMT high. I was trying to remember the names of important people in my life and their relation to me, I couldn't. I could barely remember my mothers name. I tried to picture my youngest brother and I saw him as an ape and could feel chill vibes when I thought about him. I tried to think of the name of the substance I just took and couldn't, I tried to think of other drugs I was into and couldn't remember the names of any of the substances except for MDMA, which was just a completely confusing subject to me. I decided to lay back and stop trying to make sense of this and just observe.

I laid back on my bed. My entire field of vision became a looking glass. It was like a cross between a stargate and a glitchy computer screen.
My entire field of vision became a looking glass. It was like a cross between a stargate and a glitchy computer screen.
It was like an intergalactic microscope, except the thing inside was looking in at me. It looked like stitch from lilo and stitch. It was very friendly, I could feel warm and friendly energy coming from it, very greeting. It scratched on the 'Glass' and waved at me. The most interesting part is I couldn't tell if I was actually seeing this or if it was being projected through my minds eye/3rd eye.

The next thing that happens is I hear these loud, high pitched sounds that sound like sonar waves or high-frequency waves. I wasn't actually physically hearing this but I could in my mind. It was communicating with me through these high frequencies, and I could completely understand what 'It' was saying.

This thing and a group of others from its species were studying the human race. Diet and exercise habits, reactions in different settings, psychology, sexual habits, etc. It called its race 'Zeterayan' not sure how to spell. It was looking at us with a device that acted as an inter-dimensional microscope. We were like microscopic cells to whatever this thing was, but from another dimension. It was very friendly and greeting. It told me that now that I'm aware of its existence, that it can guide me in life through psychic channeling and positive energy. It told me that I was free to selectively tell people about this experience.

I was baffled by this. I wanted to get up and call my brother or go research experiences like this on my laptop but I decided to just ride the trip out and observe. I felt nothing but positive energy after this. And saw this thing looking at me until I came down from the DMT.

It wasn't even that I was actually seeing this or hearing these sound waves, it was like I felt its presence and could see and hear and feel this stuff through my third eye and vaguely see shapes in my field of vision. The sounds were high pitched with alot of clicking, it sounded like something between a bird and what I imagine an insect would sound like if it could make sounds, combined with high frequency waves. I was basically channeling this interdimensional being, something some might consider a god or deity, but assured me that it was nothing more than an observer, studying me and our entire species.

I was completely blown away by this experience, afterwards I sat on my couch wrapped in a blanket for a good half hour or so, shaking. I called a friend and he just thought I was nuts and told me that he's not interested in DMT and he's skeptical of it. I called my brother and he thought it was amazing and beautiful. I'm going to lay off the deems for a couple months, but I'm going to come back to this combination at some point and see if I can once again contact or channel the zeterayans and learn more about them and our existence.

[Reported Dose of DMT: ".125"]

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107947
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jul 15, 2019Views: 909
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Meditation (128), DMT (18) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3)

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