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There's a Magical World Waiting
Citation:   Lukas G. "There's a Magical World Waiting: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp10805)". Oct 3, 2018.

3 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
It was the summer of 2001. In the middle of July. I am 17 and I wanted to try mushrooms. I did not know I was getting into! Me and a few buddies were going to do mushrooms. They had already done mushrooms plenty of times and I wanted to try some with them. We were at the bus depot around 6:30. I ate 3 grams worth of dried up mushrooms, and we were just skateboarding around. After about half an hour I began feeling tired, so I sat down. I asked my friend Tyler when will I start seeing stuff. Then he pointed 2 a building in the alley way. Yhe building was about 25 meteors away and it started moving. I started laughing and then I looked @ the ground and it started rolling. Then I noticed tracers when i moved my fingers, and I was very ammused. Another half hour passed by and I started noticing I was getting all liquidy. I was wearing my green shirt @ the time, and I felt like I was a Ninja turtle. LoL.

We went into the little rooms in the bus depot and I looked on the ground and it looked like green algae or some glowing material was crawling everywhere. I thought i was in a subway train because all the bulidings were moving very fast. Then I started tripping out on some green poles, the colors seperated into 2 faded green bars and turned into a cubed 3D shape. We started walking out of the bus depot and we went to a place where teenagers hang out. One of my friends came 2 c me on mushrooms first time and she was laughing her ass off. One of her friends gave me a flower and i took it, and it looked so amazing. Some green glowing material fell on my finger and i flicked it off.

I stared at the moving cars, and roads ahead of me, and the streetlights looked like as if they were moving away. I got kicked out of the place because I was noticeable. Night was coming soon... and I was heading back 2 the bus depot and the orange lights which turn on when it got dark, started becoming very very bright. I did not know how 2 take the bus home so a friends relative drove me home.

Instead we sat in the car for 2 hours, and i was blabbing 2 her about my life. It left like 10 minutes. She told me afterward it was 2 hours we were in the car. I was very surprised. At about 10:00pm she drove me 2 my house and then she left.

I could not go in my house because my parents were awake and everything was still moving around. I walked around my neighbourhood for an 1 1/2 hours till everything slowly started 2 stop moving. When I was walking in my neighbourhood, my pants fell off, and I put them back on, but it felt like they were still on the ground. Very weird and funny. It was a clear sky and I could see so many stars and they were all wavy. I climbed on the top of the hill near our pond and thought about life, and how amazing mushrooms were.

Finally before midnight I came in my house and looked at myself in the mirror. I started laughing with my dilated pupils I took my contacts off and made myself something 2 eat.

The mushrooms were by almost over at 1 am. So I went into my room and just chilled there until I fell deep asleep...

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10805
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 3, 2018Views: 912
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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