I Felt My Mission in Life Was to Tell People About God
Mushrooms & Hash
by Kent
Citation:   Kent. "I Felt My Mission in Life Was to Tell People About God: An Experience with Mushrooms & Hash (exp108154)". Erowid.org. May 18, 2021. erowid.org/exp/108154

  repeated smoked Cannabis - Hash
  1 g oral Mushrooms
Mushrooms and God

Me and a friend of mine (I'll call him Stephan for the sake of this report) decided we would do mushrooms as our dealer had gotten hold of some. We each ate 1 gram after taking a couple of hits from the bong to alleviate any feelings of nausea that might come as a side-effect of the shrooms. We are both regular smokers so we didn't worry about that mix at all. The shrooms only tasted like grass, so I had no problem eating it. I had eaten nothing prior to this, and I felt like everything would be harnessed out of the shrooms I had taken. Another friend of ours (Kado) had agreed to 'babysit' us, as this was the first experience with shrooms for any of us.

I laid down on the couch, just relaxing myself and focusing on having a positive experience and not to be fearful of what was going to happen. Stephan sat down with Kado to play fifa on the playstation set as I just lied there on the couch. I reckon it took about 45 minutes before the effects startet to kick in, at first it was like everything I focused on had this shimmer of light around it, it reminded me of led-light strips that had been carefully placed as to give a pulsating 'aura' of light around everything. I can only call them led lights as that is the only thing I can think of to explain it, although it was so much more vivid and with different shades of color that it seemed like I had never seen before. It was like I had opened my eyes for the first time in my life and really could see.

Now after this, I really cannot distinguish what happened when, but I'll do my best as to describe it. I've had a history of depressions and anxiety, and now it felt like I could see my complete self from the outside, with feelings and thoughts being stacked within me like boxes, and I realized that I could rearrange them and throw away those I didn't want as to 'fix' myself and my problems.

I started contemplating on the world, what is our meaning of being here, why is the world as it is, how come a select few should control what we do and how we do, and lots of thoughts that I really can't remember. Stephan was now also starting to feel the effects, and I'm not really sure what happened first of the following events, but for the sake of a better understanding I'll tell them in a way that seems linear in time. Now I can't recall if I was thinking about God or not, but it was like I could 'see' in my mind's eye this strong emanating light of righteousness, accompanied with the knowledge that the presence of God was in the house, and no one could ever stand up to him, I just knew he was all-powerful. I looked at my two friends, and they were like the balance of good and evil, with Stephan being a demonic entity that would do anything to keep Kado lost to the light and away from God, and it seemed like Stephan latched on to my friend and looked at me in a mocking way which I cannot describe all too good. Kado was to me like a good soul, and it was my responsibility to guide him to the light. I felt true joy being around him, and I just wanted him to see what I saw. I felt myself filling with unexplainable anger over Stephan every time I looked at him or when he tried to talk to me or my other friend. It was like he was really filthy and I didn't want him anywhere near us.

Stephan also must have picked up on how I felt about him at the time, and started to trip badly, and ultimately went up to his room for maybe an hour or two, I don't know. When it was just me and Kado left, we were sitting on the couch, and I was still feeling that presence of God, and I started to wonder about my way in life and what I was sent here to do, if anything. Kado was watching a tv-show, but I convinced him to turn it off, as I felt it took away the focus of what is important in life. I would neither let him use his phone and told him to put it away when he tried to use it, having the same feeling about it as about the TV. Through the whole experience, it was like I knew I had taken shrooms, and kept reminding myself that out loud, but I couldn't contemplate that the shrooms were the thing making me feel like I did, and that made it all so much more important to me. Now when I sat there in that couch, I felt so righteous and so internally strong, like nothing could ever hurt me, and Kado commented on me sitting there like a Buddha-figure. Then it felt like information started streaming in from this presence that I felt, I can't remember half of it, and I told Kado that I got so much information, but it came so fast, and there was so much that I couldn't put words on it fast enough. This made me just sit there and 'listen' as everything I had ever wondered was answered. I wish I could tell you that now I know everything, but I only remember bits and pieces.

It felt like I was in the living room, but at the same time I was in a different dimension, and everything that was explained to me came both through visuals and from this inner voice telling me all these things. I could understand how the entire world operated, and why everything was like it was, and who made things to be in this world as they are. One thing I distinctly remember getting told, is that mushrooms is good, as it bridges the gap between us and God, opening us for an understanding and validity towards Him. And that was the reason that it was made illegal, because powers that control our world would rather have everyone in the darkness not knowing anything about God. And one way of doing that is banning substances that makes us perceptive. At the time these things got explained to me, it was like I saw all of these bad people outside of the windows, clawing and trying to get in, and I could see the evil smirks on their faces about what they were trying to accomplish, leading everyone astray. Looking back I realize this maybe sounds like a horrific experience, but I wasn't scared, it was like watching a four-dimensional documentary that was really important for me to see. As I sat there, I felt my mission in life was to tell people about God, and I think that was why I felt so righteous, and I felt so strong because God was with me. I'm not saying that everyone should take drugs, but that was the feeling I got towards shrooms at the time at least.

Now things started taking a new turn, and I think the reason for it was because I asked 'what about the end times?' At this point, Stephan had come back down from his room, and suddenly I was convinced that judgement day had come and we were all to recieve our sentence. I was walking around excited, over and over claiming that judgement day had come. I looked outside the window, and with a view to the city it was like ash was falling from the sky (I later realized it was snow) and I knew the day had come. I felt so happy, thinking finally it is over, telling both my friends 'you know what is happening, it's judgement day'. I was still convinced that Stephan was evil, and pointed the finger at him saying 'you know what is happening, and you know where you are going and why you are going there.' In my mind we all knew what was happening and where we were going at that point, and Stephan sat down on his knees and prayed, but now it was to late, he didn't repent before and I felt like what was coming to him was righteous (mind you I never knew what would come, only that we deserved what we got). I laid my arm around Kado, and felt so happy knowing we would be saved and the burden of this world and life was lifted from our shoulders, and tears of joy ran down my cheeks.

The next thing I remember was Kado asking me: 'Why are you sitting on our laps?' And I realized that him and Stephan was sitting side-by-side on the couch with me kind of laying on top of them both. This was the first time that I remembered that we had eaten shrooms, or at least the first time of the night that I realized drugs was the reason for the things that had happened. It was like waking up in a different reality.

We all went upstairs and smoked some good hits of the bong, and me and Stephan both felt like it was hard to snap back to reality, one second we knew we had eaten shrooms and that we were coming down, and the next we were a bit out of it. After this whole ordeal I felt a little down and depressed and decided to call it a night. Kado said after watching how powerful this drug is, he wouldn't take it, and neither would he be looking after us if we did it again. Me and Stephan on the other hand didn't see it like that, and even though a lot of crazy shit happened we have both agreed we'll do it again at some point in the future.

Reading through this now, it seems so short and is only describing parts of what I experienced, but some things I don't remember, other things I can't describe. We were out of it for about 4-5 hours, and I don't know if anything I experienced was real or just drugs, but it certainly felt real. I've always had belief in God, and this only validates him more to me. I realize that psychedelics can be a powerful tool not to be taken lightly, however, I would never want to be without this experience.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 108154
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 18, 2021Views: 450
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Depression (15), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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