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First Time Ego Death
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   LittleBuzzingBee. "First Time Ego Death: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp108241)". Mar 3, 2022.

T+ 0:00
2 g oral Mushrooms
  T+ 0:05   smoked Cannabis
At 4:15, I ingested a 2 gram lemon-lime tek extract on an entirely empty stomach, and at 4:20 I smoked some weed.

I started to feel light effects around 4:30-4:35, light distortions and shifting, color enhancements and the sedative body buzz associated with shrooms.

A little while after that (maybe around 4:50-5:00) I went to the bathroom and returned to my room where the effects started to immediately intensify very rapidly, so I laid on my futon with my face pressed into a few pillows and let the trip take hold. I laid and closed my eyes where the CEVs started to take on amazing and intricate forms, I could vividly see a black hallway with Aztec patterns snaking all over with a rainbow glow and I started floating through the hallway and exploring this new fantasy realm, with only the sound of my breathing accompanying me. I could also feel what felt like water being poured on my back, though I was probably just cold.

After a while is when the trip got REALLY intense, I started to hear very loud ringing within my head that was reminiscent of a DMT breakthrough, but on top of that I could also hear voices muttering and snippets of Pink Floyd songs kept going through my head (stereotypical, I know) so I decided to open my eyes to see if I could 'escape' it for a second. When I opened my eyes and looked into my pillows however, tears started pouring down my face and the hallway and patterns and the ringing were still there but the voices were gone. I turned to my look at my wall (which is white) and the hallway shifted colors to a blue/yellow/greenish hallway, but the patterns remained. I concluded then that this experience was beyond my control and decided to go back into my pillows and let the trip totally take over. At this point, I honestly feel as though I could've died and that mentally I wouldn't have noticed. I also had a LOT of thoughts coming and going when I was in this realm, though I wasn't really connecting with any of them and rather just letting them come and go, but I cant really remember any of them. I honestly don't know how long I was in this state, but I would estimate around 45 minutes-60 minutes, and the urge to use the bathroom started to return but I was too entranced by my experience to get up and go.

Around 30-40 minutes later is when the need to use the bathroom became too great and I decided to get up and go. I stood up and I could kind of see my room, but the hallway I was in was and the patterns were still in my eyes. I was also VERY dizzy and had a hard time maneuvering downstairs to the bathroom. When I got downstairs however, my little brother was in the bathroom and both my mom and my dad were in a line to go as well. So I decided to sit at the kitchen table and wait. I was getting kind of sleepy so I laid down on the table for maybe 5 seconds and I got severe stomach cramps, and I rolled off the table to the floor, still in my completely out of it state. My body started sweating a LOT and I felt super hot and i hastily removed my sweatshirt, and the cramps were so bad that when they hit my entire torso would buckle over, and I still had to use the bathroom rather badly at this point.

My parents already knew what I took and immediately knew what was going on and started to rush my little brother to get out of the bathroom so that they could hurry and go before I started to purge and my mom got me a huge pot just in case. After about maybe 5 or 10 minutes everyone has gone but everyone was telling me to wait due to the awful smell my dad left behind, so I waited maybe 5 or 10 minutes longer. When I finally got into the bathroom, I purged up all the mushrooms and it burned coming up (due to the lemon-lime juice) but after that I kept purging bile and having the cramps for maybe 5-10 minutes. After that I was finally able to see the bathroom more clearly but the swirling/snaking patterns were still very much present, and I was able to use the bathroom without making a total mess. However, after I finished up I had an odd feeling in my genitals that felt like I still needed to go, however that was not the case as I continued trying for another 5 minutes. Once I finished up, I washed my hands and immediately started freezing and put my sweatshirt back on.

My dad offered me a glass of milk to help calm down the stomach cramps, which I gladly accepted and returned to my room. I laid back down on my couch, and my dad came up a little while afterwards to check on me. He asked how it was going and I did my best to explain that I think I underwent ego death, and I also did my best to explain what that was while still completely gone. He and I just sat and talked for about 30 minutes and by that time things had calmed down substantially, and he just left me to recover for a while. After things calmed down, I felt much happier and a lot better.

A few hours later, a few friends came over and we smoked some weed and chilled and I told them what had happened since we all bought the same batch of mushrooms, and after that I messed around on my computer for a while before going to bed.

Upon waking up, the trip was over and I was in a really good mood. I don't think I intentionally want to repeat this experience, however after this trip I feel that mentally I can handle myself with psychedelics and *could* potentially handle a repeat of this experience.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108241
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 3, 2022Views: 550
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Mushrooms (39) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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