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Had No Prior Experience With Psychedelics
Mushrooms & 25i-NBOMe? (represented as LSD)
Citation:   Triple_J. "Had No Prior Experience With Psychedelics: An Experience with Mushrooms & 25i-NBOMe? (represented as LSD) (exp108252)". May 3, 2016.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral Pharms - Fluvoxamine  
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 1:00 1.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 0:00 1 hit   Unknown (blotter / tab)
Dangerous Mixes

After the peak of a depressive period in my life, I considered myself to be in a good enough mindset to go out to a party, drink and smoke. This was an old friend (and pot dealer)'s 23rd birthday, and they were having a 2-day bender to celebrate.

At the time, I had no experience with psychedelics, and did not know the impact that taking antidepressants had on them. I made some incredibly irrational and un-researched decisions. I also have little memory related to the events of the night and I will do my best to recall them as clearly as possible.

T+0:00: I arrived at the party at about 7 o’clock, smoked some cannabis, and had 2 shots. I then began to socialise, I also took my 50mg of antidepressant (fluvoxamine) at this time.

T+1:00: After 4 more shots, and a significant amount of cannabis, I was feeling pretty inebriated. I was hanging out with a small group of people, U, B, M, and C. M offered me some shrooms, I accepted and ate them.

I had never heard about any of the effects of shrooms, so I didn't know what to expect.
I had never heard about any of the effects of shrooms, so I didn't know what to expect.

T+2:00: I was feeling a pretty heavy stoning effect, but no noticeable visuals, aside from a small distortion effect which I attributed to the cannabis. I was wearing a chain of glowsticks around my neck, and they were beginning to make me trance out every time I stared at them.

T+3:00: B said that he had some tabs, and that they were pure LSD. This was total bullshit but I hadn't even heard of NBOMes so I couldn't even think to test them. He said that he'd give me one if I gave him my glowsticks. I agreed and took the tab, holding it in my upper gum.

T+3:30: I sat with a group socialising, and begun to see some swirling visuals and some really cool patterns. I felt incredibly euphoric and energetic. I walked around the house, saying 'hey man' to everyone I walked past.

T+4:30: Somebody decided that it would be a good idea to go to McDonalds to get some food. I, being both stoned and hungry, decided to accompany them. Keep in mind that this was at a shopping complex (which was closed due to the time), about 2km away.

Any time estimations after this are unknown, but the story won’t be affected.
As we walked down the main road (a large open slope full of lights and cars), my visuals peaked. I felt as though we were shooting down a tunnel of light. After a few minutes, the other person asked if we could run, as he’d been taking acid that night. We ran, and the visuals seemed amazing, almost like a Dragon Ball Z beam of pure light (I haven’t seen the show but that’s the feeling I had at the time). We managed to get to McDonalds, but I have no memory of this, I had completely lost my ego at this point. I was told that I walked off while they were ordering food.

I remember being at an overpass area near a bus O-bahn, with stairs leading down to the bus zone. The bus zone itself was covered with a massive glow of lights, illuminating the area. I went to walk down the stairs but misjudged and tripped over. I feel half way down them, and then walked back up. At this point, a car drove past, pulled over and rolled down the window. A man called out “You alright mate?” to which I tried to articulate a sentence explaining what was going on. I blurted out “I’m tripping the fuck out on drugs”.
They called an ambulance.

The ambulance picked me up, and I was unsure of who I was, where I was, or anything else. After taking me to a nearby hospital, they opened the doors and police officers came to help get me out. I feared danger and was told that I attacked the officers. I awoke the next day in hospital. My ego slowly came back, I was covered in bruises and big grazes on my joints.

I experienced HPPD and Post Traumatic stress symptoms whenever I smoked significant quantities of cannabis afterwards. After this event, I decided to make sure I knew a lot more about psychedelics
After this event, I decided to make sure I knew a lot more about psychedelics
, and exercised extreme safety precautions around any other LSD trips, made sure to test my substances, and was able to stop taking antidepressants very shortly after this experience. I broke pretty much every rule associated with taking psychedelics that night, and now I follow them extremely closely.

[Reported cannabis & alcohol doses: '6 shots of 40 alcohol, 1.6g of plant matter smoked through a bong']

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 108252
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: May 3, 2016Views: 2,699
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Mushrooms (39), Unknown (120) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Depression (15), Overdose (29), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Combinations (3)

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