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Expecting Significant Effects
Mushrooms (sclerotia)
Citation:   Pablo26. "Expecting Significant Effects: An Experience with Mushrooms (sclerotia) (exp108326)". May 7, 2018.

7.5 g oral Mushrooms (sclerotia)
This was my first experience of psilocybin. I took half a packet of psilocybe truffles on an empty stomach, amounting to roughly 7.5 grammes of truffles. I took them at home in a comfortable environment with access to music, food, water etc.

According to the manufacturer, these truffles are a 4.5 out of 5 on the strength scale. I was expecting significant effects from the dose that I took. However, I was left somewhat disappointed.

The only effect was that I felt 'stoned' for roughly 6 hours. I was still able to talk to people etc. and communicated my disappointment to my neighbour. I avoided operating any heavy machinery as a sensible and appropriate precaution.

As someone who is prone to nausea, especially with serotonergic agents, I expected to have problems with the product. However, I experienced no nausea at all. I found the truffles relatively pleasant-tasting. Slightly nutty with a hint of cucumber.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108326
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: May 7, 2018Views: 778
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