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Mellow and Sleepy
Lactuca - L. virosa
Citation:   mixsy. "Mellow and Sleepy: An Experience with Lactuca - L. virosa (exp109203)". Sep 28, 2016.

30 g oral Lactuca - L. virosa (tea)
I am currently a recovering alcoholic (day 8) and have anxiety. I have been looking for an alternative to get me through the afternoons after work to stop me picking up the demon drink.

For a week my doctor had me on valium, which I must say didn't do much to me except very mild sedation. (I was told it was supposed to make me feel euphoric?)

I was thinking of getting some marijuana - just some leaf - to give me a mild stoned feeling, like the valium - but not being in those circles, I don't really know how to go about getting it.

So I decided to try Wild Lettuce - I had read varying reports of mild sedation to giving people a really stoned feeling.

I had 30g dried in a teapot, gave it 15 minutes or so to steep and drunk it over about half an hour - added honey as it's pretty bitter, but manageable.

I did notice it made me pretty relaxed, not really like being stoned, but sometimes it's hard to tell the effect the first time. Then I fell asleep - it was only 5pm, I wasn't sleepy to start with, and I slept to about 7.30 when my fiance woke me up for dinner.

So I'd say definitely a winner for mild sedation, but using 30g in one go would end up quite expensive.

My experimentation continues...

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109203
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Sep 28, 2016Views: 6,055
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Lactuca - L. virosa (340) : Unknown Context (20), First Times (2)

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