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Asking and Receiving With the Mushroom Teacher
Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
Citation:   notthisnotthat. "Asking and Receiving With the Mushroom Teacher: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis (exp109570)". Dec 2, 2016.

T+ 0:00
6 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
  T+ 0:45   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 6:00   smoked Cannabis  
Background info: I am a fairly experienced tripper. I have exposed myself to fairly high doses of both mushrooms (6-8g dried cubensis) and lsd (10 strips) on multiple occasions. I found my experiences to be beautiful and rewarding but after a period of several years in which I tripped almost every weekend, I seemed to be having the same trip over and over, and thus decided to give it a rest. Fast forward 10 years...

Having recently moved to a tropical environment and realizing that I now live in a zone in which p. cubensis mushrooms are naturally occurring, I decided to look for a cow pasture to visit after some rains to see if I could find some growing, and wouldn't you know it, I was very successful. I took home about 20 specimens to further analyze and after taking prints of each cap I was 100% certain that these were indeed p. cubensis. I decided to dry them and wait for a window of time to revisit the realm of the mushrooms.

The day finally came where I knew I would be undisturbed for the remainder of the night. I was alone in the house, which was neat and tidy. I had put clean sheets on the bed as I intended to spend the majority of the trip in silent darkness.

I weighed out 6g of the dried cubensis and put them on a plate in front of me and stated the following aloud: 'I am taking these mushrooms with the intention of gaining whatever understanding they bring me to. I accept that these mushrooms may show me something beautiful, something utterly terrifying, or anything that they please at all. I am at your mercy mushrooms. I submit myself to you in the hope that you will be gentle, that I may be blessed with wisdom, and that you will return me to consensus reality with something that can help myself and others in our daily lives.' I then proceeded to eat all 6 grams of the mushrooms piece by piece.

45min - 1h30m: My warning system is going off. You have ingested something strange again! I feel extra aware of my body itself. It is buzzing. I decide to roll a joint and go outside to try and kick things in.

I sit outside, leaning against a railing looking up at the milky way, smoking the joint. My jaw begins to tighten and the familiar feeling of tripping starts to come back. The sky is beautiful. The tree frogs sound so blissful, it's as if they are celebrating recent rains.

~1h30min - 2hr30min: I am at a ++ in Dr Shulgin's terms. I sit on the couch feeling the bliss of the mushrooms. I have missed their embrace and am glad to be back in it. I think about my friends who have passed and the ways in which I loved and failed them. It hurts but I overall I feel love for myself and I am able to forgive myself for some of my past shortcomings.

I close my eyes and the visuals appear as a field of blankets that are being shaken out. Each blanket is a surface of morphing geometric patterns, shrinking and expanding fractally. It is absolutely stunning. I enjoy this for awhile.

Eventually, I open my eyes and look at the time. I observe that not much time has passed since ingestion and I'm quite high. This has me hopeful for the depth of the trip to come.

2h30min - 6hr: I retreat to the bedroom which is dark. Out of the abyss appears open eye visuals similar to my cev's did but now they are translucent and colored much like the night levels from Rad Racer. I laid down in bed and began thinking introspectively.

'I can accept that there is a soup of sub-atomic weirdness from which the physical world arises, as strange as it all is, but how and why do conciousness arise?' I asked. 'Why all this witnessing?Materialism hasn't come close to explaining our conciousness. In fact, it seems that according to many materialists, conciousness shouldn't exist at all.' I posed this question in various ways until a voice said to me, 'You're right. It shouldn't be there. It's a gift. Now cherish it.' And I cried, 'It's a fucking gift!' and tears streamed down my face and I laughed out loud.

Eventually, I open my eyes and look at the time. I observe that not much time has passed since ingestion and I'm quite high. This has me hopeful for the depth of the trip to come.

I decided to follow the line of questioning? 'If witnessing is non-material,' I asked, 'what are it's limits?'

Suddenly the world of forms popped up like it was a cap, revealing beneath it a swirling field of stars being born and dying, swirling galaxies, expanding nebulae all dancing I'm my mind's eye, but so vivid it might as well have been physically present. I enjoyed this spectacle for some time before realizing that this cosmic field was wearing the world of forms like a cloak, and that in some Escher-esque, extra-dimensional sense, this field was gazing upon itself with the witnesses in the world of forms.

I understood why there is suffering. I understood why there is beauty. I understood that we are all innocent witnesses that accumulate experience in damaging ways. I wondered what it would be like to greet another person and see them as a pure witness with accumulated experience and to love them regardless of that baggage they've picked up along the way. I applied this to myself. I loved myself and everyone else so much. I reveled in this bliss until I remembered that I was in a dark bedroom.

6hr - 7hr: I am so grateful for everything I've witnessed. I'm still tripping but am now much closer to baseline. I roll another joint and go outside to smoke. As I smoke I hope that my experience will feel as significant tomorrow as it does at this moment.

7hr - ?: I go inside and turn on the television. Fear and Loathing is on Viceland. It has just begun. I watch it until I fall asleep.

Next day: I awake after excellent sleep feeling rejuvenated. It is as I had hoped. I remember the deep emotions I had experienced the night before that came with my thoughts and visions. I am still overjoyed and grateful. I look forward to reentering the mushroom realm again, but I will wait. I was given so much and I don't want to be greedy.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109570
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Dec 2, 2016Views: 1,408
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Alone (16), Personal Preparation (45), Glowing Experiences (4)

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