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Snapping Between Reality and Meat Pie
Citation:   Mushmouth Shoutin. "Snapping Between Reality and Meat Pie: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp109708)". Dec 9, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1.5 g oral Mushrooms
  T+ 1:30 0.5 g smoked Cannabis
I’ll begin by saying I’m not much of a story teller, but I’ll relate my first mushroom trip as well as I can.

I got a quarter of mushies, with the intent of saving them until after Christmas when I would be off work for over a week……yeah, that thought got shit upon from a very high altitude. I knew I would be alone, so I planned not to take too many, I’ve done enough research to know that it would be impossible to “guess” the effects, but I wasn’t scared, just beyond excited and anxious to see what happens. Time for the old human chemistry set!

I was home at my apartment, I dumped out my mushies, and tried to divide an eighth by 3, not so easy without a scale. I imagine I had around 1.5 g at 6:00pm. Between 6:30 and 7:30 I was simply trying to notice as many effects as possible. By 7:00 I noticed a very heavy head and slight balance issue, kind of felt like being drunk or had just smoked some weed and it went to my head first. but I was happy too. By then I had started to laugh. And laugh……and laugh and laugh and laugh very loud (at least to me).

By 7:30 I had figured that I had reached near the peak of effects. I am a regular marijuana user so I figured half a bowl would probably only help and not hurt. Man was I ever 100% correct on that one!!! Within 10 mins of finishing that half bowl my vision had started to distort a bit. Lights were VERY bright! Small trails behind them. Auditory hallucinations were even better. I could hear sound on 3 different plains. To test this, I made a loud steam whistle type noise with my mouth. I could hear the noise happening, I could hear it still going muffled in the background like it was behind me, and also heard it echoing and reverberating in front of me. The distortions did not continue for very long, but were absolutely exhilarating! I was laughing at the hallucinations, laughing at the situation and laughing at nothing. Enjoying myself tremendously.

Now here's where it gets interesting to me, I can’t remember much between 8:00pm and 9:00pm. I know I put a meat pie in the oven ( I hadn’t eaten yet, probably not smart, but I know myself, my tolerances and my limits.) Somehow between 8 and 9 I managed to work the oven, heat up the pie and NOT burn it, don’t know how I got away with that one but I did. I joined a chat online because I couldn’t contain myself and had to talk about it with someone who understood, but that period between 8 and 9……not really sure what I did. I tried watching movies and videos because that folder was open on the PC. I figure I could not concentrate and gave up. By 9 I was chatting with a couple folks and making total sense… myself. (I also could not shut up about my damn meat pie) again, time completely distorted. My guess at the time was the chat was around 2 hours. WRONG! 20 minutes. I have the records on my phone. Speaking of that phone, the only other visuals happening were on that phone. It appeared to me as if it was being tampered with, the screen kept jumping and changing. My realization now is that I was holding it completely wrong (because I was fucked up a bit) and touching the screen making it go crazy.

By 10:30 I had enough sense return to be able to more accurately keep track of time and felt the comedown. It wasn’t unpleasant, just a realization that the “trip” was over. I was tired and shagged out, the trip was draining, by 11:30pm I was ready for bed but didn’t sleep well (maybe 5 hours) and I was hanging pretty low the next morning, but after a nice lunch and a nicer nap I was back up and in better shape.

My trip left me with questions. How soon until the next time? and how often can I do this?
My trip left me with questions. How soon until the next time? and how often can I do this?
I almost can’t wait, still got plenty of mushies, and after this Thursday, I’m off work for 11 days. I know better to not trip all the time, so I have a plan to trip twice more before the New Year, and I’ve got a partner for next time. I might set up a camera, not for security, but to record what the hell I get up to during my next trip if I have a brainfart. This time distortion was the most fascinating element of the trip as I am usually a human swiss watch.

If you’re like me, 40ish, not inexperienced with drugs and questioning whether or not you should try shrooms……….well, you have to decide for yourself. For me, there was no decision, none whatsoever, It was only a question of when and how much. I knew it would happen, I had a source, I had the funds, I just had to find the will, and I did. All the better for it.

For me, I turned out just like people in the movies pretending to trip. It felt just like people “acting” on a psychedelic substance. It didn’t feel like *I* was acting because I wasn’t. I was a little surprised by that, but once that realization kicked in that “yep, this is what shrooms do” I was so absorbed into it and beside myself with pleasure.

To quote my hungry self that night during a chat, “Oh man, I keep snapping between reality and meat pie”. Definitely worth doing once and again, and again. :)

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109708
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: Dec 9, 2018Views: 818
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Mushrooms (39) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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