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Best Trip Sitter
Citation:   Awakenperson. "Best Trip Sitter: An Experience with Peyote (exp109716)". Jan 7, 2017.

T+ 0:00
  oral Peyote (dried)
  T+ 10:00 1 tablet oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
Emptiness and interconnectedness on LSD, the ' spirit' of trees, rocks, rivers on shrooms and direct personal teachings on future events.

As a wise guy once told me up in the mountains of Colorado a few years back. He lived in a cabin in the deep woods when I stayed there visiting the area to take a hike and he was our tour guide with a botany degree. After the hike was over we all decided to set up camp for the night and we will have a camp fire and leave in the morning after dawn. Towards the late night, stars filled the sky it was getting late but our trail instructor's cabin was not far from where we were. I decided I wanted to check out his place as he insisted to talk about landscapes and what now. I was apprehensive because I went alone. Everyone fell asleep but I was curious and not even close to tired to find out what hes up to.

I knock on the door, and he opens it right away and says Hey man who sent you.. We both laughed and I followed him into the kitchen. This is where the night took a turn for the psychedelic. He says let me get you something and opened his fridge. He showed me not what looked like food maybe a carton of eggs but all of the shelves on the inside compartments were literally filled with all kinds of recognizable drugs. I have a huge history with the flowers and fungi many times before, I was even high on edibles for this occasion with my friends. But I am talking he had from A-Z list of different drugs. Uppers, downers, twisters, rollers, tryptamines. I took what I wanted basically after telling me to I have the free will to take any and as much as I can fit in my two pockets. He tells me to save that for another time, and that he was saving something special for this particular night.

It was his birthday that happen to be an annual anniversary of taking mescaline. He wanted me to trip with him on peyote over night and said are you driving tomorrow. I said no. He said well youll have to sleep in the fucking vehicle you came in because you are about to be on a 12 hour expedition into the wild uncovering your spirit animal and becoming one with the sacred ground beneath us. He told me to escape the matrix lose the internet such as phones for this natural phenomon that will take place. It was like metaphical metal detectors to where were going that wont allow to pass without aborting the technology. He said where we are going you wont need it. Your mind is the technology, your hands are the tools to create. He was disconnected from modern culture I heard him mumble before we consumed the peyote that was dried, crushed, and rehidratated in balls (easiest way to swallow, but takes many days to dry the cuttings).

Minutes pass kicking in ever so slowly, nothing yet then he says I had a gut feeling that you would be the one who would come here like he had a premonition in a dream perhaps feeling my vibe. Clearly he wanted to take me on an astral travel when its time he said that when the lucid effects kick in, I will take you into the upper stratosphere. Look above you I got rid of a section of my roof right above us so it is easier for our spirits to lift. I felt the colors blending, distortions, flashbacks the whole nine and everything was a trail of movement. He almost knew immediately by the look of my face and his that we telepathically agreed it was time. He grabbed me by the palms of my hands ohmming in a meditative way moving his stomach back and forth. I recognized this I learned previously to align my chakras. He then shouted stare into my eyes and we will teleport and ascend to space, get ready. How do you even prepare for that fucking shit. Taking me in a light gravity defying portal with him to the stars directly above us flying. To this day I don't know if any of that was real but somehow it felt like it was working and everything he told me was making sense all coming to fruition as I left my physical body.

This is the most alive and real feeling I ever had. I wanted to stay up here but another quote he told me is don't let your pleasures outweigh the reward of learning the key to this place. It is a moment lost in space and time and cannot last forever. Good way of saying that I would calm down this drug has a duration. Best trip sitter to date. My initial reaction was to refuse his offer and disobey what he told me, that I felt the power to stay up in this new planet like earth. I felt stuck in that dimension. That was the dream, but using logic I knew I had to return and get back to the campsite where everyone I loved as people were at. Before he metaphorically brought me down as I was coming down 10 hours in at that mark I felt I could visually see if my eyes closed a birds eye overview of the map of this location. Did I learn echo location I asked myself then begin to laugh as I felt dropping back through his hole in the roof and into the couch. Never before made ride of a lifetime for me, felt like I blasting off overnight and parachuting down early morning.

I was quickly sobering up faster in the onset and took a some xanax, weed, some shrooms and I think he had LSD that I stuffed in my pants that he gave me. As I was walking out, the last words from him after every word of inspiration what better way to finish off with 'You found your purpose, discovered something about yourself and people, and also most importantly this was the ultimate guide for your adventure. Two trips in one if you know what I mean.'

Went back to the grounds and of course I was asked where I was all night blah blah but I just said guys I barely got any sleep last night its been a long night I just took a xanax bar, lets head home guys and I'm glad you all are here I wanted them to know that. I cared for these people but most of them are gone passed away or left my life.

Most profound trip just mainly with the shaman adding to the whole experience.

I told who I was with I tell them this story all the time and I tell it explain everything that happens then say 'legend has it the mystery man that one summer night was a shape-shifter mystic and healer in disguise as a park guide and the year after he was reported missing and never has been found after. Maybe he found the key to live in the skies and soared like an eagle to infinite space.'

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109716
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 7, 2017Views: 2,268
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Peyote (42) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Guides / Sitters (39), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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