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Ancient Aztec Connection
Mushrooms - P. zapotecorum
Citation:   Midnight Mycologist. "Ancient Aztec Connection: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. zapotecorum (exp110275)". Jun 4, 2019.

8 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    oral Alcohol - Hard  
My experience last night/this morning.

I really enjoyed the Zapotecorum mushrooms the last time I tried them, so of course I decided to try them again. The last time, I consumed a little over 2 grams, giving me one of the best mushroom rides I'd had in a long time. This time, I set out to do the same, consuming a little over two grams.....

Shortly after, as they were 'kicking in', I felt the need to go farther. It became a battle....against the mushroom. Just how can one consume this many mushrooms. In all, my partner and I consumed about 16 grams of the Zapotecorum mushrooms together.

Rather quickly, time became irrelevant. The ups are hot, I sweat. The downs are cold, I shiver. I feel the euphoria take over me. It is hard to handle the feeling, it is so powerful.
I feel the euphoria take over me. It is hard to handle the feeling, it is so powerful.
Tracers, morphing, geometric patterns break away into a trance-like state. I am able to see whatever I want to see. I begin to have visions of Aztek rituals. I see why they eat the sacred mushroom, it is simply to feel the love of God, and to feel closer to him. The Aztek shaman I am conversing with asks me to come with him. We leave the festival, and walk into the wilderness. The shaman leaves me, I don't know where he has gone. I see more primitive people. They are just like us. They do not wear clothing. They too, are consuming the mushrooms.

The scene seems to play in reverse, although it feels just fine. I see even more primitive primates. They are unable to verbally communicate, a mere animal. I see them consume the mushroom. The mushroom stimulates them, it gives them ideas. It teaches them to talk. It teaches them to love one another. I feel now, that what gave humans intelligence was the psychedelic experience. At this point, I feel so awestruck, I realize that I am receiving this information from no other than God. God is not a person, a thing, a place. God is every person, everything, every bit of this existence that we know. I feel Gods love. I love him back. I thank him for his wisdom, we embrace each other for a lengthy period of time. He shows me heaven, and it is wonderful. He sends me on my way back, in a different path.

I see now a beautiful scene. Aliens are here on earth, although they are not so alien. They are us, we are them. They love us, and we love them. We share the sacred mushroom together. I see primitive men collecting mushrooms. I see them consuming them. I see primitive men growing mushrooms in the wilderness, providing them with food, water, performing rituals to worship them. They truly are a gift from God to these people, and to myself.

I now find myself in a more modern time. The development of the modern church. The large masses of humans around has instill fear, anger, and greed into the human soul. The teachings of God are remembered, but it is forgotten who he is. The religious leaders proclaim that the mushroom is not to be eaten, it is forbidden. The church has convinced the masses as to their warped perception of God, heaven, hell, what is right or wrong. They work together with royalty to demand riches from the masses. But some still remember the sacrament given to us.

A small group of simple, loving people is consuming mushrooms, laying in the woods. There are two families, both have children. A few men come upon the group, they are laughing, and enjoying themselves thoroughly. The men do not understand what is happening. They approach, and see the mushrooms. They see the group is nearly delirious with enjoyment. A situation arises, the parents defend their childrens lives with their own. The children run.

A scene approaches, two of the children are older. A boy and a girl, trying desperately to live through the winter. The girl is pregnant. The boy works for farmers to be able to stay warm through the winter in their barn. They have their child. They teach him as they were taught, simply to love each other, and treat each other with kindness, as though every person was part of their own family. They use the mushrooms to gain enlightenment on a regular basis. The child becomes very wise, learning how to portray his knowledge to others in a way they can understand. The church does not approve of his following. They kill him publicly. His teachings are so effective that his story is told for thousands of years.

I return to the Aztek ritual. We are on a megalithic structure. There are thousands of people dancing, chanting, burning fires. I join them. Much time passes. The ritual fades slowly away back to a euphoric feeling. The mushrooms grow from my stomach, wrapping me in strands of their loving mycelium. The mycelium growing from me extends outward, colonizing the world. I feel connected to everything. I feel I have access to all the knowledge of the world.

I slowly come back to a near reality. I hear sounds in the room, they don't sound good. I open my eyes to see my partner purging into her safety bucket, she is feeling rough. I rush to care for her, fresh water, fresh shirt, and a cleaning of the bucket. There are so many swelled mushrooms in that bucket. The cats run frantically about the bathroom, sure I am insane.

Her needs are tended. I feel relieved that she is feeling well again, and returning to her experience. I head outside, taking my puppy with me. It is -15*F outside. It is the most beautiful snow I have ever seen. It is fresh, it snowed about an inch overnight. The dog is very concerned Seems to think there is something with me. She runs frantically around the house. I bring her to her kennel, so we can have some peace. She is just a puppy, I love her so much.

I take a couple shots of tequila, 1800 Reservado. I feel the sweet fermented nectar of the agave fruit absorb into my body, it feels great.

I move to the bedroom. I have extreme visuals. Much of the landscape is covered with this pattern.....indescribable. My lover and I contemplate the night/morning, the problems of the world. We turn on some Futurama. The beginning is intense. It is short, and just about killed me with amusement. The episode is Benders Game.

Things slowly calm down. My partner slowly drifts off. I smoke cannabis for a couple hours. I finally feel calm enough to rest at about the 13 hour mark.
I finally feel calm enough to rest at about the 13 hour mark.
The rest lasts about 4 hours. I awake to feel refreshed. I care for everything around me. I come to the forums to tell of my experience. I feel like I did not do justice to the awesomeness of this experience. I could write a novel about this experience.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 110275
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Jun 4, 2019Views: 689
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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