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Weird Vibe
Mushrooms & Salvia divinorum
Citation:   bananarepublic. "Weird Vibe: An Experience with Mushrooms & Salvia divinorum (exp110412)". Oct 11, 2022.

  repeated oral Mushrooms
    repeated oral Salvia divinorum
An experience I had about 10 years ago while using mushrooms (Psilocybe Mexicana, fresh, oral) and Salvia Divinorum (extract, smoked, repeated).

Set and setting

Between high school and college, 19 year old male. Others present; Around 5 people, similar stats. Happy and carefree, good friends. Location: Outside, private wooded area, edge of a pound. Main place of interest during the experience; inside small tent, 2 other persons present.

Mushrooms come on fairly steady, amount eaten by me I can't say accurately but we had an almost unlimited supply this day. We must have eaten some every few minutes or so, maybe for about an hour until things got too confused as we couldn't really communicate normally anymore and everyone forgot why we were there, what we were doing there and so on. Some friends left after some point, a few stayed. I'm going to skip to the important part of the trip from here on.

First Salvia smoked at the peak of the mushroom trip. Immediately I enter a 3D spherical tunnel while my body is broken-up even my bones are chopped and neatly put away. I lose all memory of having had a body as such. I do remember my name which when I repeated it to myself sounded vaguely familiar, like nostalgic. In these initial moments I tried holding on to anything, like my name or structure?, I could recognize as familiar. I was frightened but gave up this useless effort soon after. Momentarily, in the blink of an eye, I remember! Who/what I really was, I had been stupid enough to just forget this in my life. I feel at peace/ at HOME. I see my life on earth. Feel regret, compassion, the ways I had been hurting people I could not see, my mother, my future etc. I feel there is more.

Other hits of salvia.

The next thing is an experience coming out of the tunnel on the other side. Here it gets hard to find a fitting image. Imagine a cockpit of an airplane but 360°, oval shaped, made of light but still a substance. Its important to note the word substance here because unlike what I can experience with ketamine for example, a sublime knowingness or nothingness of infinity, this had a supreme sense of place. I was in this place. I was this place.

At this point my identity is a complete mystery to myself. You could say that of the 360° surrounding me every degree is an avatar-being in specific circumstance but I was not in circumstance but was controlling them from here like they were just screens compared to my very central vision/topology. I experiment more and get the hang of what is possible. Layers of knowing and being wash over me until I reach a point of all knowing and all being, I realized, by means of this machine or spiritual mechanism. I get a sense in the complexity, or is it simplicity, of this that there is something important that is just beyond me and I should approach it with great consideration. By some miracle I knew how to do this. It was by humbly submitting myself to its power. This was pretty miraculous at this point because submitting was from the perspective of my already heightened awareness such a phenomenal increase that, well, it just, I mean it 'blew me away!' and I followed as far as I could. The distance to where or what I went is equal to this telepathic communication I had with a being and to the extent that our differences could be resolved!? I tried my best.

Instead of just zapping back into my regular body after this, I had a very sensual tactile experience. Very soft, a red cloth was just waving through the air slowly in spiral motions, very meaningfully, and clothed me back to reality like a baby. I took a lot of information and memories away from this cloth, as a gift, like how we are clothed in our identities and desires, how all this lays in the balance of life, how this works out, that everything will be fine and I should not worry and be courageous. I feel my bones that were disassembled earlier being reassembled again. I had a distinct sense these parts were new and coming from the earth, that I got a new body.

Coming to consciousness one person in the tent who was not as 'high' had apparently gone home, not being able to watch the show go on. Other person in the tent who was also as high as me and I apparently thought had had the same experience as me relayed that he also had an interesting experience but through later conversations explained it was not the same. He noted the same night that I had been staring, with eyes sometimes wide open being apparently in constant amazement, hands following invisible objects, making noises such as: waaaaaw, oooooh! and had been crying, laughing, looking very serious on and off the whole time.

Night fell, we both walked home, I slept very nicely and in the morning still felt a bit 'new'. This 'new' effect lasted for several weeks. The morning after also I felt something annoying me in my bed what turned out to be little rocks near my ass and I preceived these as being 'byproducts' from the trip having come out of my ass (but they were clean). This was about that what I was reassessing about the trip was real. A very playful thing! Seeing I was completely sober by this point it confirmed my experience in a material way. Glad to say I keep having these kinds of recollections later on as well. Always as very subtle occurrences which for others would be meaningless coincidences but to me communicate specific transcendent subject matter. These are completely

Non-psychedelic and specific. There's a subtle constant effect to this which I find hard to put in words but every few years there's a big one. I saw a vision while riding the train once, just clear sober, this small green ugly creature with a hoodie on moving in a 2D Nintendo landscape. I didn't completely realize its foreboding power just then but I did later that day when events went down that changed my life. These communications are saying; it's ok, I'm guiding this, it's good for you, even when in this case it was not good news. Just important stuff, good or bad. We are protected in ways we don't fully understand! Some of the most beautiful narrative paths in my life have since been foreboded in this way, through smell, sight or sounds. Weird vibes!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 110412
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 11, 2022Views: 295
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Mushrooms (39), Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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