Perfect Nature
Citation:   D. Englishman. "Perfect Nature: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp110529)". Nov 15, 2020.

1.75 g oral Mushrooms (tea)
Mindset: Expectant. It was my first experience with mushrooms for years. The intent for spiritual connection and insight.

Setting: Wilderness camping trip with a friend in May, northeast US. Cool evening and night.

Preparations: Performed evening Resh and Star Ruby (spiritual practices).


Drank tea. Onset marked by tremulousness, feeling of cold, stomach upset. (My friend is much larger, and the same dose did not seem to cause him any side effects.)

I found if I unfocused my eyes, I had vision reminiscent of a cubist painting, made up of geometric blocks. When I refocused my eyes, vision went back to normal. Music very evocative of the time and atmosphere of its recording. Nature sounds in silence awe-inspiring. I occasionally found my attention fixed in a moment of time, quite pleasant. Closed eye visuals like colorful wallpaper.

A great feeling of reverence. Felt like a majestic, composed figure from Egyptian myth as I lay on the ground in an attitude of resurrection (arms crossed in an “x”). A feeling of closeness to my friend. Midnight Resh felt perfect. At the peak, felt a conviction of identity with God. Glorious experience all round! Closed with Star Ruby ritual.

Next day or 2 felt like a wrung sponge, as far as energy goes (part of which may have been influenced by the nonstop rain the day after). Think half the amount would be good for me.

[Reported Dose: 'hot infusion in French press from 1/16 oz finely ground"]

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110529
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 47
Published: Nov 15, 2020Views: 607
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Mushrooms (39), Ritual (129) : Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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