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Why Was I So Sensitive
Mushrooms & Noopept
by kopi
Citation:   kopi. "Why Was I So Sensitive: An Experience with Mushrooms & Noopept (exp110685)". Mar 9, 2023.

2.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    oral Noopept  
This is my first ever psychedelic experience that happened around March. I wanted to try shrooms since October, but due to some difficulties (money, time, and depression to the point of seriously considering suicide) I haven’t had the opportunity. However in this waiting period I was able to learn more about psychedelics in general. At the time I wasn’t attending uni (which I had started in September), nor was I working, I wasn’t doing anything at all to be honest (apart from playing videogames, watching movies/series and browsing the web).

Despite the fact that I have previously tried MDMA multiple times, and was smoking weed quite regularly (which means whenever I had the money), I can’t really say I had much experience with altering consciousness. So even though I considered myself well prepared in head, I didn’t have actual experience to back my theories up. I was quite nervous and excited at the same time, and I remember being agitated the day before, however before going to sleep I managed to quiet my mind in preparation for what was coming.

The next day my friend (hereafter S) came over around noon. He has a lot of experience with tripping, and tripsitting as well. So he came over around noon, and I consumed 2.5g dried mushroom powder in lemon juice with some sugar (so basically lemonade). A little later I also took noopept. My mood lifted a bit, I was smiling (which we both noticed), then we went up to my room and began waiting.

I started to feel the effects, first I just felt a bit sick, and was irritated by S eating his sandwich. If I remember correctly the smell of it was a bit nauseating (I don’t like cheese), and his munching was also quite irritating. We were listening to music, and the visuals slowly began, colours morphing, and my eyesight became really sharp (I remember looking at my phone and it looked like it was brand new, with 4k resolution, and vivid colours). I couldn’t decide whether I had to pee or not. This is the point when it really started to kick in.

We decided to go sit outside, which almost turned into a disaster, because I couldn’t find my key and we almost locked ourselves out of the house. We sat there for a couple of minutes, which I thought was like 15-30 min. When we wanted to go back inside I didn’t remember which way my door opened, so S opened it, but he couldn’t close it and I was laughing at him like a 5 year old. My sister came home but we just went to my room upstairs and didn’t talk much with her. As soon as I got into my armchair, S put in Salzburg (from Worakls), and I just lost every contact with my reality.

What happened next, I completely forgot after the trip. S said he was trying to talk to me, but I didn’t react at all, which scared him a little bit. I was trying to drink, but I couldn’t tell where my hand ended and where my glass began, where the water, my teeth, was but I could drink without any problem. Time lost it’s meaning.
I was trying to drink, but I couldn’t tell where my hand ended and where my glass began, where the water, my teeth, was but I could drink without any problem. Time lost it’s meaning.
He said I was sitting in my armchair, I was grinning weirdly (I didn’t know where my mouth ended and I was trying to figure it out). Sometimes I called his name, but then I just fell back to the abyss. Then he left the room, for some reason and I was left alone. I was terrified, but thankfully I realized that I can fight against this feeling or just try to enjoy it somehow. I decided to enjoy it.

He came back and I wasn’t able to tell whether I peed myself or not. Every sense told me I did, but S did not mention the smell, so I was like what the hell is going on? So he came in and I was just mumbling unintelligible gibberish (at least to him, for me it made perfect sense): Shrooms, Shrooms, A-S (our names), frame of reference, life-death, outside-inside, good bad, kindess, love (I hugged him), no hospital, no police, ego death. The next picture I remember is him typing on my computer with a worried face. I was still tripping balls, and I couldn’t express myself very well. It felt like I got into a new type of organism and I was trying to figure out how it works, how it thinks. I was trying to communicate through opposites.

I wanted to say: S, don’t worry everything’s fine, I know that I’m tripping from the mushrooms, but all I could muster was shrooms-shrooms. After we managed to understand each other, everything was hilarious. His face turned into annoying orange, and whatever I did, I enjoyed. From entering the WiFi password to drying my hands, I always stopped for a second and lived the moment. Everything seemed perfect as it was. The remaining part of the trip was peaceful, we were chilling in my room, and my sister joined us, because she found the way I was behaving (like a 5 year old) ridiculous. Of course S explained that I took mushrooms (I wasn’t able), and we spent the rest of the afternoon talking about all kinds of stuff.

After the effects have ceased, we went out, smoked a Joe, and then I slept. The next week I met with S, because I completely forgot the part where I was tripping (I guess because I experienced that without my ego, and I did not have language as a tool to describe it). And he told me what kind of mumbo jumbo I was telling him, and as he said those words, it all came back to me. We listened to the music that was playing and it worked like a flashlight, lighting up the parts of my trip that remained in the shadow of oblivion, and suddenly almost everything came back. Up until this moment I wasn’t sure I had ego death, but after this conversation, there was no doubt about it.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110685
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 9, 2023Views: 364
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