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Doubt Breaks the Spell
Mushrooms - P. semilanceata
Citation:   KingKaleva. "Doubt Breaks the Spell: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (exp110686)". Erowid.org. Aug 25, 2018. erowid.org/exp/110686

3 g oral Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (dried)
My Friend and I were going to local national park in late autumn (in Finland) where we had tripped the year before, this time we chose to go there with bicycles so we would not have hike from there the 20+ km by foot.

The Trip Begins

We arrived to the national park and camped in a cottage which was free to use. It had wood stove and plenty of firewood, though we had to split the wood by ourselves from the logs. Left our backbags in the cottage and hiked to near by hillcliff to smoke some herbs. Up in the hill the view opens large areas of swamp and forrest. The memories from the trip before came to my mind where we danced the hillside up and down in total darkness to drink more mushroom tea and back up to watch the stars. Also remembered our tactic to fight off the bears if we would ever meet one in the darkness, stick together, look big and have your knife ready....and other things that had happened.

Came back to the cottage and smoked some more while preparing for the trip. My friend chopped some firewood and I scaled our doses, 3 grams handpicked psilocyben semilaenca + leftovers from the jar. Took them with classic style... grinded and swallowed with water.

We both had prepared for the trip by fasting so the mushrooms started to hit after 20mins. We were good friends and had tripped together multiple times so we knew how the beginning would go, both in our own “spaces” and we would meet at the “otherside”.

The trip started for real after an hour or something when I sat up next to my friend and broke the silence with words... “doubt breaks the spell” (in finnish = epäilys rikkoo taijan). My friend turned to me, thinking what I have just said for a moment and replied “yy..yes!...YES!” I don't remember what lead to those words but my friend totally got the idea...

After this we felt something between us, like we were in bubbles that connected, and we knew it when we separated, like if you imagine two soap bubbles that connect as one and then separate them. We felt each other in our minds and to be sure this was not just something that we imagined we started to test this connection.

We both closed our eyes and turned around and started requesting “sound alerts” from each other in our minds. Beep...Buub....Beep ...Buub back and forth, also switching that only one of us asked the sound alert and other said it out loud exactly when he got the “sign” to check that this was really happening.

At first I started to doubt this and thought my friend was messing with me, but already when this thought came to my mind I knew that it wasn't so because I could feel the doubt physically and my friend felt it too...when the doubt tried between us...

After this we dived in to it fully... no doubt that we just had connected ourselves telepathically and slowly when our bond and mental link grew stronger we slipped deeper in to the trance state and started screaming and roaring...laughing from the bottom of our hearts that were now connected
we just had connected ourselves telepathically and slowly when our bond and mental link grew stronger we slipped deeper in to the trance state and started screaming and roaring...laughing from the bottom of our hearts that were now connected
.. We felt each other in our minds and the feeling the other had, which superscharged our situation even more... I could ROOOOAAR it out loud when my friend supercharged it mentally and switch.

The moment of madness was crowned by a situation when my friend went to take piss outside and I stayed inside the cottage, we still had the mental link and for my moment of “alone” I started thinking something in silence (that I dont remember what it was) but for a weird way my friend recalled from my thought “something his father used to say...” and I said it out loud... (dont remember what it was), it was multidimensional humor where I found it funny that to my mind there was no connection with my thoughts and what his father used to say and by the fact that I said it out loud what my friend though about my thoughts, in a situation where we had this conversation without any words but those few that I said out loud. (my friend could not see me but he could hear me) We started shouting, screaming and laughing again in a mad telepathic trance state.

When my friend came back in we started to flow together in a river of feelings where we felt what the other felt, we shared our “universes”.. For a moment I stared the dark corner of the cottage and sad thoughts came to my mind and fear... The worst part in that situation was that when I went in the “dark part of myself” I felt how it made my friend feel who was hugging me in total sadness and trying to get me out from there... that got me out and the “darkest hour” was behind.

The stove only had ember now and we tried to put more wood in to the pit, but this was a hard task when we were constantly interrupted by all the conversations we had in that telepathic link.

How we talked?

We had very long and complicated conversations and there were crossroads in those where we said something out loud as a “agreement point” or conclusions.

We got frustrated by the constant sidetracking and the stove still needed more wood..

We started shouting again...this time we shouted fire … FIREEE NOW LETS MAKE THAT FIREEE!!! supercharging our roars mentally..... and magically.... the embers lit up...

This got us laughing hysterically and after that I added more wood with my shaking hands.....we were winners...

Slowly the mental link started fading to the level of sound alerts until the ability for telepathy dissapeared entirely..but the bond we had was stronger than ever and it felt like we could never live without other ever again, that we were bros 4 life.

It was morning already and we backed our stuff and without any sleep we drove back to my friends place with our bicycles.

Some after thoughts

Getting so close to other person is a great thing but also sad because no other “friendship” feels so deep anymore.....or maybe its just me..letting the doubt break the spell :D

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110686
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Aug 25, 2018Views: 1,096
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Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (90) : Relationships (44), General (1), Alone (16)

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