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Rainbow Six / I'm Hooked
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Pootie Tonic. "Rainbow Six / I'm Hooked: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp110750)". Feb 18, 2023.

10.5 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
A bit of Background:

I have only tried mushrooms once before. My friend had brought me over an eighth of some Golden Caps and I devoured the contents in the bag and had the time of my life playing Rainbow Six (some hyper realistic first person shooter) with my friends for most of the trip. Needless to say I was hooked, so a few weeks later I asked my buddy/dealer for approximately three times the amount. An eighth of Cubensis and two eighths of Penis Envy.

The Day of:

I ate an extra light and healthy lunch at work in preparation of the trip later that evening. After work I drove to my buddies house to pick up the goods. For some reason I was expecting three bags of mushrooms containing 3.5g of mushies each, but instead was given a bag containing 7g of the Penis Envy and 3.5g of the Cubensis. This concerned me somewhat considering I didn't own a scale, but I figured I would just take the Cubensis tonight and eyeball the other strain into two separate doses another time.

I arrived home around 8:30 and ate the eighth of Cubensis. I stepped outside after washing it all down with some water and took a seat on my front stoop for a cigarette and to FaceTime my friend. The call lasted around 20 minutes as I told him about my plans for the evening. After this I took a much needed post-work shower. The tiles on the wall almost seemed to bulge and swirl around my out of the corner of my eye as cleansed myself. Refreshed and eager to kill some fools, I powered on my xbox and put on my surround sound gaming headset. I stepped out for another cig while I spoke to my friends, JB and J via xbox party chat. It is now around 8:15 and I start to notice the trees in my backyard move and sway way more than what is normal. My cig kept slipping out of my fingers as I started at the trees and spoke to my friends.

I was borderline unable to play at this point, which I thought was hilarious. My palms were sweating out of control and I was hallucinating hard. This once hyper-realistic warzone turned into some sort of fucked up fun house with people trying to kill you. While we were playing I told my friend JB what kind of shrooms I was on and what kind I had on deck. He recommended I try a cap and stem of the Penis Envy just for the hell of it, which I thought was a splendid idea. I got up and brought the baggie marked “P.E.” over to the couch and sat down. I found the largest mushroom in the bag and gobbled it down. Another thirty minutes goes by of me tripping balls, playing xbox, and finding the biggest shroom in the bag to gobble down until I noticed that there weren't any more shrooms left to gobble.

I got up and found the other empty baggie marked “C”. Shit six - I thought to myself. I got back on my mic and told my pals that I had somehow ran out of mushrooms! They just kinda laughed and said some remark that I couldn't understand. All the sounds in the game and in chat seemed to merge together creating some sort of deep mono tone every 30-45 seconds. Moments were turning into hours as I try to maneuver my way through the maze of rooms in the video game. Everything fell apart when an enemy started shooting at me from the floor below, causing bullets to fly vertically across my vision in the game and real life, destroying everything in my living room. The ceiling and walls of my apartment collapsed under the destruction. I sit up on my couch and vomit instantly. All over myself and the damn floor! A first for me. I can hear my friends asking what the fuck is going on, but I peel the headset off my head, grab my phone, and stumble to the bathroom. I throw up again, and again, and again, all while seemingly falling in a vortex composed of the shitty laminate tiles on my bathroom floor. Finally the throwing up stopped enough for me to noticed how profusely I was sweating. Sweat dripped from my forehead creating a small puddle on the floor by the toilet. Another first for me as I have never seen or experienced anything like this. Freaked, I crawled to my bathtub and turned on the cold water. Still sweating and still vortexing, I managed to stand up and make my way to the AC in the living room. I turn the knob to on and make my way back to the backroom. I strip my clothes and use them as a pillow so I can lay on the floor while wait for the tub to fill. Naked. Ass up face down, I opened and closed my eyes every time something was too intense or nauseating to look at. Which was approximately every fifteen damn seconds. The whole room seemed to spin slowly along with the hallucinations I was already experiencing.

2:45 am

I lay there on the floor, bath still running. I feel like I can see myself in third person floating above my body. My phone catches my eye. I’m getting a call from girlfriend. She wanted to know what the netflix password was. I was utterly astounded by this. I thought she must have known I was fried because she normally goes to bed around 11:30 - 12:00. I told her about what was going on and how much mushrooms I had eaten. She asked if I would like to stay on the phone with her while drives here. I told her I would like that. The concept of time for me was still beyond fucked. It seems to take her an infinite amount of time to get to her car, and much much much longer for her to make the one mile drive over to me. While on the phone she told me to unlock the front door for her while she drove. I look up at the door from the bathroom and it looked incredibly far away. It was an impossible task, but after much encouragement from her, I managed to crawl to the front door, unlock it, and crawl back to the comfort of my bathroom-floor-bed. The front door opened and she helped me get dressed and into bed.

5:00 am

The trip had worn off almost completely. I went to the bathroom one more time and the lights seemed to gently flicker. I also hopped back on my xbox to see if my friends were still on. They weren’t. Fuck. All in all it was quite the trip. Some lessons learned, but what can I say? I’m hooked.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110750
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Feb 18, 2023Views: 328
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Alone (16)

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